Waar: Lissabon, Portugal
Wanneer: 15/11/2012 - 16:46
A manifestation in Lisbon against the plans of the government, started peacefully, although people showed real anger. After a peaceful beginning, after a while the atmosphere grew more grim and ended up in charges of the police against the demonstrators. The military police made some basic mistakes in approaching the demonstrators, especially those ones looking for a riot. Lees meer...
Wanneer: 02/09/2012 - 19:00
Vertoning van de film "The Brussels Business"
met aansluitend discussie rond het thema ‘Van en voor wie is de Europese Unie?’. En wat betekent dat voor de aankomende verkiezingen in Nederland?
Kriterion, Amsterdam, Roetersstraat 170 www.kriterion.nl
zondag 2 september, 19:00 uur Lees meer...