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Me, Myself and I //or// How to make your own new identity

Aankondiging, gepost door: Schijnheilig - Activistische Salon op 19/06/2012 06:07:29

Waar: de Vondelbunker, Vondelpark 8, Amsterdam, Netherlands (GPS lat: 52.360854 lon: 4.876987)
Wanneer: 26/06/2012 - 20:00 t/m 26/06/2012 - 23:59

An evening on identity, technology and crossing borders. Heath Bunting is presenting his Status Project: an experiment in creating real and new identity for yourself or anyone else.
We will explore the technological challenges and social consequences of this endeavor. Also we will look into possible real-world applications if people can have a new or more then one identity.

The evening is part of a series on the Digital Alterego. Past presentations included bureau Jansen & Janssen on Security Forces and Police Control, Bits of Freedom on company databases and developers of technologies for protest movements like N-1, Sukey and Liquid Democracy.

H. Bunting: "Before the Internet, you knew where your virtual body was – it was at the tax office or the police station, or at school. And if a revolution did take place you could go and burn those records, but now people put all their data on different platforms and different machines and think it’s fun. All the hype about Twitter and online identities is nothing new, except now it’s on a different platform whereas before it would have been on a stone tablet. But what happens if the police knock on you door, as they do in Iran or elsewhere and even in the UK, and say, ‘You’ve been on these websites and are involved with certain activities so now we’re arresting you’. So, the virtual is more important, because it’s actually becoming more difficult for people to see their traces. Their actual true nature gets misrepresented or codified or enslaved through the Internet. Things happen in a much more sophisticated way, whereas before you could burn a piece of paper or tear it up: Goodbye body."

We are looking forward to your presence and critical questions in this very special edition of the Activistic Salon in our Atomic Shelter.

Background info:
The Status Project:
Doors open: 20:00 | Start: 20:30

Tags: freedom identity No Borders

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