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Statement for the Anniversary of October 7th

Nieuws, gepost door: nn op 07/10/2024 10:12:31

Wanneer: 07/10/2024 - 00:28

The Zionist enemy's end was written the day it began.

Its collapse has been ushered in by the deafening sirens of October 7th when our freedom fighters came down from the sky to free our Palestinian prisoners, armed with the spirit of the martyrs, the undying dream of return, and the fierce determination for justice.

On the ground, Gazans broke the seventeen year siege, destroying the barriers that were installed by Zionist colonizers to bar our people from our lands, our histories, our futures.

With their bulldozers and bullets, history was broken open – there is simply no going back.

As the dust beneath them settled, suspended in the gap between freedom and captivity, the horizon became clear; October 7th had marked the beginning of the end of Zionism.

"Mother, O Mother, I have done it! I am on my way back to our ancestral land! I can see it, I can almost reach it! I won't see your face again, Mother, but I wanted you to know that I have done it. We did it."

This message, sent by one of the freedom fighters to his mother after breaking the siege, were some of his very last words before rising to martyrdom. That day, the resistance brought a newfound sense of liberation to every Palestinian and to every free person around the globe.The picture of our world is one that is coloured by grief as we watch horrors unfold with rage in our bellies. Week after week, the Zionist entity breaches the limits of what is comprehensible, committing acts of violence that are forever seared into our minds. Across Europe and Turtle Island, images of brutal police repression turn our solidarity against itself, crushing our hearts and minds in order to destabilize our righteous emancipation movement.

As the mainstream media around the globe prepares to commemorate a "terrorist attack" on October 7th, we know it too well within ourselves that the application of the term terrorism, particularly in Palestine, is manipulatively used by the great powers to condemn the forms of violence that are incompatible with the political interests of Zionism. While the American-Zionist entity commits genocide in Gaza in the name of "freedom" and "democracy", why is it that the massacres inflicted by empires and settler-colonial states are never considered a form of terrorism? When 85 2000 pound bombs are detonated on a neighbourhood block or thousands of explosive pagers are triggered at once – why are these hailed as sophisticated precision strikes? When the weapons being used make bodies disintegrate and evaporate, why is it that the international community is suddenly silent about terror?

All the while, the extreme genocidal policies enacted by the American-Zionist aggressors swiftly bypass international law, which has continuously revealed itself to be yet another fiction to protect empire and restrict colonized nations from fighting for freedom. Europe, its greatest co-conspirator, has played a crucial role in enabling the genocide, offering weapons, diplomatic cover and legal justifications to protect the Zionist regime. Any attack on Gaza, the West Bank, Historic Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen is thus made "legal" through their juridical registers.

When we look at those who broke the siege on October 7th, and attempt to even imagine the conditions that propelled the resistance into action, we recognize a people doing what they believe to be necessary in order for their people to live. The resonances of past struggles from Vietnam to Algeria remind us that any truly decolonial movement is a violent historical process. Undeniably, the 7th of October put the liberation of Palestine back on the map, activating a global awakening.


Let it be known: Zionism is a death cult. Zionism is and has always been a culture of killing and death. Like all settler-colonial projects, from Turtle Island to Palestine, we see the same techniques of extermination; the same genocidal, ecocidal tactics used to erase life in order to wipe the slate clean for European settlers. Palestinians are returned to their people by the truckload; raped, maimed, stolen of life, their organs and skin harvested for use by the occupiers of the Zionist state. Their bodies are erased, liquified, evaporated by bombs until they are no longer countable – because to Zionism, these bodies never counted in the first place.

With its perverted schemas and strategies, the Zionist entity authorizes its legal and academic systems to legitimize military strategies like the Dahiya Doctrine, developed as a technique to annihilate civilian populations and destroy public infrastructure with the hope of turning the population against resistance militias. It gives directives like the Hannibal Directive, used on October 7th, inciting hysteria amongst IOF soldiers, resulting in them freely firing their weapons that killed an indeterminate amount of Israelis on that day.

Our resistance, however, fights not for death, but for life. They fight for a life that they deserve and have never had living under occupation. The resistance is the defense of life, in the name of all people who are oppressed, spanning all corners of the world, with each of its manifestations undoing the fictions of Zionism that continue to shackle us all. Our resistance engulfs whatever is available to us. We are resourceful, and we stand alongside the armed resistance across the axis of resistance, steadfast in our belief in the necessity of armed struggle. We won't be fooled into thinking that international human rights were ever written to protect us or could ever be applied to us. How then will Palestine be freed, dear reader? Shall the people of Palestine silently die, or do they have the right to stand up and resist? Who are you to tell a people how they will be free.


To those around us in the imperial core, we say:

Do not speak of solidarity when you must speak of resistance. Do not gesture towards our cause, our people with your icons and symbols. Your slogans, watermelons, and keffiyehs must not convert our livelihoods into signifiers as our bodies are evaporated by bombs. Your solidarity must not be steeped in self-satisfaction and white saviourism. Our cause is a collective cause. We speak of your liberation too.

If it is normal that we move freely while Gazans are besieged, that we eat while they starve, sleep while they evacuate from bombs, if it is normal that those with the most weapons and the most money get to decide who dies and who lives, then we reject the frames of normalization and find it our duty to bring the world to a halt. Their blood is no different than yours.

We believe in a world where when bombs drop in Gaza, the world stops at once. We want to live in a society that witnesses genocidal aggression and acts upon it, understanding: This must stop by all means necessary. We mean what we say when we speak our truth to power. Our words are anchored by the resistance in Gaza, in Lebanon, and around the world. May they penetrate your hearts and stir you into action.

Resistance against injustice is a call that connects us to our own dignity and to each other beyond any oppressive system. Resistance means fighting for each others lives. Because resistance is love, a form which cannot be overcome.

And so we continue to resist until liberation.


On the anniversary of this historic day, on the precipice of yet another occupation of sovereign Lebanese land, increasing illegal settlements in the West Bank, and an ongoing genocide in Gaza, we remind you all that genocide is not an event but a strategy; a technique of settler-colonialism no matter where it unfolds in the world. While October 7th ushered in an acceleration of Israel's decades long ethnic cleansing of Palestine, it simultaneously accelerated its own demise. In time, this settler-colonial killing machine will inevitably be consumed by its own fervour for death and destruction.

The destruction and atrocity of the Zionist entity imposed on the Palestinian people will be remembered as this terrorist state's last agony. And with it, the global empire will fall. In the same way the apartheid wall was overcome, we will tear down anything in the way of liberation from Europe to Gaza.

Resistance knows no fear, because we have nothing else to lose.

Long live the Resistance.

"To the kings of Israel, to the scum of our nation and our foul Arab regimes, to the petty fascists and to their imperialist masters, we say: it pleases us to spit on your faces. We will fight you even with our nails. Our fists are the compass of history. And the bullet of our freedom will pierce your hearts. You are the dustbin of history, and Beirut is the city of the free. We have vowed that we will always resist you.”

– Mahdi Amel, written shortly after the 1982 invasion of Beirut.

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