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Aankondiging, gepost door: nn op 05/01/2024 01:09:03

Wanneer: 06/01/2024 - 15:00


Zaterdag 6 januari 2024 om 15 uur bij Jan Lievensstraat 28h flitsactie 157 tegen de uitverkoop van onze sociale huurwoningen.
Nood- en jongerenhuisvester Woonstichting Lieven de Key verkoopt de échte sociale huurwoningen om met de inkomsten,
tijdelijke woningen voor jongeren tot 28 te bouwen.
Verkoop van sociaal vastgoed is winst voor de corporatie, maar de stad is de betaalbare huurwoningen voor altijd kwijt.
De praktijk leert dat benedenwoningen voor vermogensopbouw worden uitgebouwd.
Na enkele jaren staat zo’n woning voor een aanmerkelijk hoger bedrag weer op Funda.
Wees welkom bij de actie. Stop de uitverkoop!

Come and join the protest against social housing demolition and sell outs!

Weekly flash mobs against social housing sell outs and demolitions.

The major housing corporations in Amsterdam have sold out tens of thousands of social housing dwellings to the housing market over the past 25 years. This while the demand for social housing never ceased to increase. Housing corporations say they need this money to build new social housing. Instead the money ends up in:

exaggerated salaries and pension schemes for the top executives
money squandering and inefficient work organizations
speculation and investment frenzies that have nothing to do with social housing
way less, smaller, and more expensive temporary contract dwellings
expensive private sector rental homes that are beyond the financial reach of most social housing tenants
Less affordable housing means more people forced to find more expensive housing or even forced to leave the city. This means that people with socially important professions (teachers, nurses, firemen, etc.) will disappear from Amsterdam, creating a decreasing availability of socially relevant services to the inhabitants of the city.

Furthermore, the displacement and departure of low- and middle income citizens, has a negative effect on the diversified composition of the population in areas of the city and the city as a whole: social economic cleansing and gentrification.

Every Saturday at 3 PM action group Niet Te Koop (English: not for sale) organises a flash mob against the sell out of a rent-protected social house in Amsterdam.

The flash mob lasts about half an hour and includes:

handing out leaflets in the neighbourhood and engage in discussions with local residents and passers-by
wallpapering the house at hand
making recordings for publicity's sake
Action group Niet Te Koop provides banners, posters, and such. Of course you can bring your own material.

The location is announced the day before (or earlier), also through:

our website (Dutch)
the HuurdersBelangZuid newsletter (Dutch)

Come and join the protest for preservation of affordable social housing!

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