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More stands!

Nieuws, gepost door: Anarchist Book Fair Amsterdam op 27/10/2023 10:04:48

Waar: Dokhuis, Plantage Doklaan 8-12, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wanneer: 25/11/2023 - 15:39

More stands are confirmed for the book fair!
Also want to do a stand or workshop? Please email us before 3 November so we can guarantee you a spot

The Prostitution Information Center (PIC) was opened in 1994 and is Sex worker-led. Our mission is to address and reduce the stigma and discrimination towards sex work. We do this through information provision, lectures, workshops and interviews. We believe that stigma is what kills sex workers, and that through education we can challenge popular narratives and discourses surround sex work. We truly believe that sex work is work, and decriminalisation in the minimum needed to improve the safety and wellbeing of sex workers. We have a prominent place within the community, and act as a bridge between the public and sex worker produced information.


'Stop the War on Migrants' is a campaign against the current EU border and migration policies. It focuses on the way the EU militarizes border security, both at its own (external) borders and in third countries, deports people and the arms and security companies lobbying for and profiting from these practices.
Come to our stand to learn more about the international Abolish Frontex campaign, Fortress Europe, the border-industrial complex and how to get involved in the struggle for a world without borders! No border security, detention and deportations, abolish Frontex and the EU border regime!


We organize info events, film screenings, run a library and distribute books/zines, have space for DIY and tech projects and reading and discussion groups. The space is self-managed and a platform for learning and collective action, for dismantling existing structures of oppression and discrimination!
We provide a space for connecting like-minded people through discussing political and social topics, sharing resources, AND BOOKS!
We all identify as anarchists to different degrees and try to figure out what it means to us and can mean to others. We are pro-solidarity and explicitly anti-capitalist!
We’re also a pretty queer collective.


Revista Diógenes (Diogenes Magazine in English) is an anarchist and anti-authoritarian magazine that fights against the traditional media. We think about the need for an anti-authoritarian and critical press in Colombia because the "official" media belong to the richest people who manipulate the information as they want. Many people have been killed by paramilitary groups with the support of the government (Duque's government) and we don't agree with it at all. In this context, Diógenes was born, so that we can bring clear and real information not only in Colombia but also around the world. We have an alliance between a couple of groups in Colombia (Bogotá) and Germany (Nuremberg).


Anarchist Black Cross Belarus (ABC-Belarus) supports repressed, arrested and imprisoned anarchists as well as social activists whose ideas and activities do not contradict the ideas of anarchism. Between 2009 and 2022 the group has supported more than 70 activists in various forms, ranging from paying lawyers and other legal fees to supporting the families and loved ones of the repressed.
Anarchist activists are often ignored by liberal human rights organizations, and repression is considered justified because of the violation of the laws of a country governed by dictatorship and police lawlessness. That is why it was important for us to create an activist organization that would be dedicated to supporting comrades regardless of any external political factors.

Tags: amsterdam anarchist bookfair

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