Wanneer: 04/01/2023 - 10:46
New Forum voor Anarchisme podcast interview, where Sam joins to talk about his experience as an LGBTQ+ refugee in the Netherlands at the peak of the government made crisis in Ter Apel. Also, will he be shares his LGBTQ+ activist projects and the united struggle against oppression.
[Spreektaal: Engels]
In this episode we will be speaking with Sam, who will share his experience as a refuge in Ter Apel and talk about his LGBTQ+ activism and the united struggle against oppression. Sam is a Palestine anarchist and human rights activist from Jordan. Who came to the Netherlands to escape LGBTQ+ violence but stumbled up on hard racism and discrimination in the Dutch migration system and in Dutch parts of the society in general.
He was one of the refugees who came her last summer and was one of the almost thousand people who had to sleep outside for weeks in Ter Apel because of the unwillingness of the government to help incoming refugees.
Sam is trying to raise money to help to help out LGBTQ+ community's in middle east Africa and other part of the world.
You can listen to the podcast :
Show Notes:
Please consider helping out.
See: https://gofund.me/627549ea
The projects Sam is involved with
Queers for justice
international solidarity movement for justice to all people all nations we stand against discrimination and
racism We help & support LGBTQ+ community's
Queers love, fundme campaign: https://gofund.me/627549ea
We are queers community helping lgbtq+ communitys in middle east Africa and other part of the world with all
needs we provide assistance help and support at all levels, including the existence of a safe place for a
group or a person from the community who needs it at any time.
Students for Justice in Palestine
Groups involved with helping refugees in Ter Apel:
Anarchist groups:
Extra groups to check out relating to Palestine support:
The Anarchist movement in Palestine - FAUDA
Samidoun Network
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network