Waar: Police Station Nieuw West Zuid, Netherlands
Wanneer: 17/05/2021 - 18:30
JUSTICE FOR SAMMY BAKER! 17.05.2021 - 18:30 - Police Station Nieuw West Zuid - Meer en Vaart 284
- Today the state prosecutor, Anne Marie Ruijs, decided that the cops who murdered Sammy B. will face no consequences. She ruled that they will not face a legal procedure at all. she has always ruled in favour of the police. Cops get away with murder. Despite all the lies of Amsterdam police as well as the overwhelming evidence showing that Sammy was murdered ( including a video that showed what happend). Sammy was a person of color that was having a mental breakdown. He was calling for a doctor and despite the fact that psychological help and his mother were at the scene, the police refused him this help. We will protest in front of the Amsterdam Nieuw West Zuid police station (where the cops who murdered Sammy come from) to show solidarity with his parents and demand justice for Sammy And all victims of police violence! To fight against the systemic racism & ableism at the core of this rotten system that allows cops to kill POC and the "mentally confused"
with impunity. As shown again and again no justice will come from the state or its courts. There is no justice as long as there are cops. The police can not be reformed, it must be abolished all together.
Justice for Sammy B!
Revenge for Sammy B!
For more info about the story: https://controlealtdelete.nl/blog/nabestaanden-sammy-strijden-door