Waar: Splash parque, Mexico
Wanneer: 08/03/2020 - 03:40
English bellow:
Na de stierengevecht verstoring op 23 februari in Guadalajara Mexico, waar we voor de tweede keer het bloedige feestje van de stierenvechters en hun supporters stillegde, hebben we afgelopen zondag 8 maart 2020 een dolfijnenshow stil gelegd in Leon, Mexico.
Ook in 2018 lagen er 4 activisten van de Vegan Strike Group in dat zelfde bassin om te voorkomen dat de show en de uitbuiting van deze zeer intelligente dieren door ging.
The Vegan Strike Group made a peaceful protest for the second time in the Splash Amusement Park in Leon, Mexico.
As part of our international campaign to free marine animals from the entertainment industry, a team of six activists manage to go inside the park and made the demonstration. In front of the public atonished eyes, four activists went inside the tanks to boycott the show where dolphins are forced to perform unnatural tricks. Dolphins are part of a billion-dollar industry that is being sustained by the misunderstanding thought that marine mammals are being helped and sustained by dolphinariums. Dolphins belong to the sea and should not perform for people´s entertainment.
Many dolphins exhibit health and welfare problems and the Vegan Strike Group wants to be a voice for this exploited individuals.
During the action, all of our activists were wearing professional wetsuits, with no jewelry, lotion, cream or other substances that could harm the dolphin´s health.
In the Netherlands, the Vegan Strike Group is mainly known for its campaigns against the use of horses in the entertainment industry, while in Latin America our team has disrupted many bullfights.