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Activities around and beyond the UN COP 23 Bonn (November 2017)

Nieuws, gepost door: nn op 19/08/2017 08:03:33

Wanneer: 19/08/2017 - 14:12

Chronological overview of what is currently being planned and organised around and beyond the UN COP23 in Bonn. For more info specifically about the mobilisation from the Netherlands click here.

2.-4.11.: The 13th Conference of Youth (COY 13)

“The annual Conference of Youth (COY) brings young people from around the world together to learn about the UNFCCC, build networks and organise ourselves before the UN climate negotiations... COY is the main summit of the youth constituency.”

3.-7.11.: The People’s Climate Summit (PCS)

Organised by a broad range of movement- and civil society-organisations, the PCS is a classic 'movement summit', combining larger evening panels (3.-5.11.), a workshop programme and open spaces (6.-7.11.), in order to provide a convergence space for a variety of movements, and to strengthen the climate justice agenda in Bonn.

3.-6.11.: Busses from the NL to Bonn

From the Netherlands Code Rood, Fossil Free NL, JMA and GroenFront! together with other groups are calling on everyone to come to Bonn to make a collective statement for Climate Justice. Busses are being organised that will leave Friday November 3rd and return Monday November 6th. Together with Stroomversnellers action trainings will be organised in September and October. More info will be available early September.

4.11.: Climate March I

The traditional major civil society manifestation will be held on the Saturday before the start of the summit, aiming to provide a family-friendly space open to all ages and abilities. The details are still being worked out, but the main thematic focus of the march will be on Germany’s serious lignite-addiction, and the enormous injustice this constitutes.

5.11.: Ende Gelaende – civil disobedience against coal

On the Sunday before the summit, the Ende Gelaende-campaign that successfully used peaceful mass civil disobedience to shut down huge lignite mines both in 2015 and 2016 will aim to repeat this success by blocking, for a day, one of the enormous lignite mines that are only a few kilometres away from the city of Bonn. Details, again, are still being worked out.

5. 11. Solidarity action

To mark the start of the Ende Gelände action, international activists and civil society groups will gather for a ceremonial activity led by the Pacific Climate Warriors, to ground the action in justice and solidarity with those most impacted by a changing climate. This year, the climate summit is being hosted by Fiji and therefore a powerful opportunity for the Pacific to show the world what true climate leadership looks like. The ceremony will be permitted and take place as close to the blockades as possible. It will involve a sharing of blessings to act in solidarity to protect our common home. Affinity groups will be invited by affected communities to help carry pacific symbols of resistance with them into the mine for the action.

11.11.: Climate March II

A week into the summit, a coalition of mostly local, anticapitalist groups is organising a second march that aims to broaden the thematic offering from the opening weekend’s actions’ focus on coal to include other important issues in the fight for a socio-ecological transformation.

See you all in Bonn!

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