Wanneer: 25/07/2017 - 16:42
Accoglienza Degna, Làbas’ social and self-managed dormitory, is planning a summer full of initiatives. The ex-barracks will host two international volunteering summer camps aimed at renovating some of the still abandoned areas of ex Caserma Masini, and at carrying on the daily management of the space and the activities of the project.
The first camp “All worthy of being welcome” (August 5-19) is organized in cooperation with the international civil service (SCI) and will host about 20 volunteers that will coordinate the activities of the dormitory and participate in workshops about self-management and welfare from below.
The second camp “No one is illegal”, August 21- September 2, will focus instead on the renovation and requalification of the spaces and on sharing experiences on European migration and reception policies.
For those who don’t know us, Làbas is a political collective that occupied an abandoned barracks four years ago in order to develop numerous self-organized welfare and alternative economy projects, which are based on principles of food sovereignty, environmental sustainability, right to housing, active solidarity and education to critical citizenship, and that defend values of anti-racism, anti-sexism and anti-fascism.
Among these projects there’s Accoglienza Degna, a social dormitory for migrants and homeless people that hosted, since 2015, about 40 people, and gave them the chance, through the school of Italian, the immigration desk and projects of self-income, to build an independent and autonomous future in Bologna and Italy.
In order to bear the costs of the renovation, AD has decided to launch a crowdfunding campaign that will last about 60 days and is available at this link.
The project, which will be realized during the second camp, aims at creating two bedrooms, two bathrooms, two classrooms, one kitchen, one office and a big recreation room.
We’d very much like for you to support us through a donation for this important initiative that will undoubtedly bring more service to the refugee community in Bologna and will improve the quality of life of marginalized people, especially the guests of our dormitory.
To come as a volunteer send a message to Accoglienza Degna’s Facebook page (for the first camp) and to No One Is Illegal – Summer Camp facebook page or email address (nooneisillegalcamp@gmail.com) for the second camp.
Thank you
Best Regards,
Accoglienza Degna and Làbas.