Wanneer: 03/02/2017 - 13:10
See the minutes from a meeting in Berlin, January 23, with lots of NGOS and some people from Ende Gelände, about what will happen during the UN COP23 in Bonn, 7-17 November 2017.
The next COP will take place in Bonn (Germany) with Fiji holding the presidency. 25 NGOs have met in January and shared ideas for the COP and mobilization. These were the first ideas - though no final decisions yet (see below). We want to invite you to take part in this process so that we will have a great international mobilization for the climate in November. Please inform your organizations about our first plans and let us know about the possibilities to cooperate / your ideas.
Political Context:
· There was enthusiasm to turn the COP23 into a big moment of international mobilization
o There was a lot of support to use the mobilization to ask the world's Heads of State to act on a global coal phase out.
o We want to link the climate impact with its cause (Fiji being threatened by the rising sea level, and fossil fuels and coal being the major driver)
- (Imagine the "Pacific Climate Warriors" going down to the mines with us to block the diggers ! (Dorothee*s private comment)
o The mobilization is likely to take place at the beginning of the COP (Saturday 04/11), because on 11/11 ten thousands of people will be celebrating Carnival and big parts of the infrastructure in German cities will be blocked. (But the date is not decided yet) Germany will have had its National elections six weeks before. It is therefore possible that we may have an impact on the coalition negotiations.
· Fidji is holding the presidency of the COP in Germany.
o For the first time ever a small island country is holding this position. COP23 should be a platform to Pacific Island Nations and their demands.
o Adaptation, resilience, finance, loss and damage will be priorities of the presidency.
o Three years ago, Fiji and the Pacific nations initiated the Suwa (Fiji capital) declaration with a moratorium against new coal power plants and mines. Can we have a Suwa-Bonn declaration?
o Is it possible that Fiji will exclude the fossil fuel lobby from the negotiations?
· It is a chance that the negotiations themselves do not have major topics or expected outcomes. This means it might be easier for us to set the frame.
· COP 23 is a chance for international mobilization: a green zone and an alternative summit for civil society activities are also planned.
Contact to the working groups:
1. Mobilization (Chris Methmann, Campact
2. Alternative Summit (Tadzio Müller, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
3. Green Zone (Christiane Averbeck, Klima-Allianz Deutschland
4. Conference of youth (Elisa Klumb, BUNDjugend