Waar: Dead Frog, Reinder Blijstralaan 69, Utrecht, Netherlands
Wanneer: 14/04/2016 - 19:30 t/m 18/04/2016 - 23:00
Everyone is welcome, but it's organized mostly for people outside (or halfway into) the squatting scene, and people who are new to the subjects. Bring ur friends (:
4 days, 5 subjects, + extra's
See the attached flyer!
Thursday 14/4
Presentation Kamp Zeist (http://aagu.nl/) by Joke Kaviaar (https://jokekaviaar.nl/) followed by the
presentation Geen Kind Aan De Kant (https://geenkindaandekant.wordpress.com/) by Dhjana
(http://www.dhjana.nl/). (these, and all the other evenings, will be in english)
Campaign against family prison for refugees at Kamp Zeist: The Anarchist Anti-deportation Group
Utrecht campaigned against the construction of the permanent family prison at Kamp Zeist for one
and a half year. Fact is that the family prison is the keystone to all the repression against refugee
families and children. Without (the threat of) incarceration no deportations. What was the campaign
against the family prison like and what is next since this prison is about to be taken in to use?
The campaign No child to the side almost seamlessly connects to this campaign but has an entirely
different character. More than a thousand refugee children and their parents in the Netherlands live in
so-called 'family locations', under the constant threat of arrest by the border police, detention at Kamp
Zeist and, ultimately, deportation. All these experiences are extremely traumatizing for the children –
but take place in silence and out of sight. 'Geen Kind Aan De Kant' (no child to the side) has started a
broad campaign, with, amongst other activities, a demonstration tour in May. What is exactly
happening at the family locations and what can we do against it?
Friday 15/4
Lecture 'Effects of TTIP and other free trade agreements with an alternative'. By Guus Geurts.
(www.guusgeurts.nl) The lectcture will excist of the following elements:
- How will we feed the world?
- Why the free-market theory doesn't work out concerning agriculture
- Overview and European history - and international trade and agricultural policies
- Analysis of TTIP and CETA
- Analysis: effects of free trade for rates and natural resources
- What are possible criteria for truly sustainable products?
- Can self-regulation by the market work?
- Alternatives particularly within European and national policies
- Economical, social and environmental benefits of these options
- Now what? Strategies: barriers and opportunities
Saturday 16/4
A talk on capitalism and anarchy, by Tasos
A talk on the deconstruction of capitalist (and socialist in a capitalist society) thought, in its history
and present, while introducing anarchist philosophy, combating the indoctrination against it, and
deliminating it.
Sunday 17/4
Femiwhat? Feminism and gender discussion by Clemence (and you?!)
A short explanation about the history of feminism, and what it inspires nowadays, followed by a
gender talk in which you're invited to join.