Waar: Proschim, Germany
Wanneer: 09/05/2016 - 15:03 t/m 16/05/2016 - 15:03
2015 was warmest year since record began. This continues a dangerous trend: if temperatures keep on rising, irreversible consequences for societies and ecosystems can be expected. Climate change can only be stopped, if at least 80% of fossil fuels remain in the ground. Therefore: stop burning coal, oil and gas! Turn into 100% renewable energy!
Future projects of Vattenfall, the Swedish energy giant, tell another story. With the support of the gover-nments of Brandenburg and Saxony, Vattenfall is plan-ning to open three new coal pits to increase the asset value for the planned sale of its lignite division. After years of profiting from the lignite in the Lausitz Vatten-fall is now denying its responsibility. Now society will be burdened with the follow-up costs.
We demand: Vattenfall has to be held account-able for its actions, no new coal pits, start deinvesting and keep all fossil fuels in the ground. Our message to future investors: you are not only buying an outdated industry but also our resistance.
Our struggle continues in 2016: the end of coal is near, the time has come...for The sixths Climate Camp in the Lausitz. The Lausitzcamp wants to provide a plat-form to connect the local struggles against coal mining with global demands for climate justice. We invite you to one week of workshops, actions and networking.
Date: 9th- 16th May 2016
For more information: www.lausitzcamp.info
Flyer pdf: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c8ptw44jedqnv5l/Lausitzcamp_Inlay_eng.pdf?dl=0