Waar: Neude, Utrecht, Netherlands
Wanneer: 17/11/2015 - 17:00
- Are you affected by the stufi cuts?
- Do you think private companies have too much influence on research?
- Students: would you like more attention from your teachers?
- Teachers: would you like more time to freely cooperate with students and do your research without wasting time on bureaucratic reports?
- Would you agree the current curricilum is too white, male and US/ Euro-centric, which leads to a misguided view of the world and society?
- Are you afraid that what sparked the Maagdenhuis protests might still be present behind the carefully branded images of Dutch universities - the debts, the hierarchies, lack of respect and understanding for humanities, which are removed from the very institutions of knowledge conceptualised by humanists centuries ago?
Then JOIN US and MARCH through the streets of Utrecht on the International Student day - 17th November!
We are a part of a larger international movement, but this demo is also a chance of addressing issues specific for Dutch unis. There will be plenty of interesting speakers and like-minded people with whom you can discuss your problems and, ideally, organise! After the demo, Taste Before You Waste - Utrecht will provide tasty and radically sustainable food.
More info will follow, but don't hesitate to contact us
- De Nieuwe Universiteit & University of Colour
Organisations which support us:
UoC Amsterdam
DNU Maastricht
DNU Rotterdam
DNU Nijmegen
Humanities Rally
Humanities Rally Party
Spinhuis Collective
Party Pleb
Ons kritisch alternatief
Kritische Studenten Amsterdam
Kritische Studenten Utrecht
ROSA (Recht Op Stad Amsterdam)
AKTA (Anti-Kapitalistische Tandartsen Amsterdam)
Students 1st of May Committee
Radicale Actie Docenten
AFCA (Anarcha-Feministisch Collectief Amsterdam)
SKSU (Studenten KraakSpreekUur)
ASVA (Algemene StudentenVereniging Amsterdam)
Internationale Socialisten
Strijd tegen Racisme
FSR FGw UvA (Facultaire StudentenRaad Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen UvA)
// (Nederlands)
- Word jij geraakt door het leenstelsel?
- Vind jij dat bedrijven te veel invloed uitoefenen op academisch onderzoek?
- Studenten: willen jullie meer persoonlijke begeleiding van docenten?
- Docenten: willen jullie meer tijd voor vrije samenwerking met studenten en om onderzoek te doen zonder die eindeloze bureaucratie?
- Ben jij van mening dat het huidige curriculum te wit, mannelijk en VS/Euro-centrisch is, en dat dat leidt tot een vertekend beeld van wereld en maatschappij?
- Denk jij dat de oorzaken van de Maagdenhuisprotesten nog steeds bestaan achter het marketingmasker van de Nederlandse universiteiten? - de schulden, de hierarchie, gebrek aan respect en begrip voor geesteswetenschappen, die steeds verder verwijderd raken van het kennisinstituut dat door humanisten eeuwen terug geconceptualiseerd is!
DOE MEE aan een MARS door de straten van Utrecht op International Student's Day - 17 november!
We zijn onderdeel van een grotere internationale beweging, maar deze demonstratie biedt ook een kans om specifieke problemen van Nederlandse universiteiten aan te kaarten. Er zullen meerdere interessante sprekers aanwezig zijn, en meer dan genoeg gelijkgestemden voor discussie en, idealiter, organisatie! Na afloop zorgt Taste Before You Waste voor lekker en radicaal duurzaam eten.
Meer info volgt, maar aarzel niet met contact opnemen.
Organisaties die ons steunen:
UoC Amsterdam
DNU Maastricht
DNU Rotterdam
DNU Nijmegen
Humanities Rally
Humanities Rally Partij
Spinhuis Collectief
Party Pleb
Ons kritisch alternatief
Kritische Studenten Amsterdam
Kritische Studenten Utrecht
ROSA (Recht Op Stad Amsterdam)
AKTA (Anti-Kapitalistische Tandartsen Amsterdam)
Students 1st of May Committee
Radicale Actie Docenten
AFCA (Anarcha-Feministisch Collectief Amsterdam)
SKSU (Studenten KraakSpreekUur)
ASVA (Algemene StudentenVereniging Amsterdam)
Internationale Socialisten
Strijd tegen Racisme
FSR FGw UvA (Facultaire StudentenRaad Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen UvA)
The demonstration is a result of an international meeting last August, about which you can read below:
On the 2nd of August 2015, we met in Riot Village with delegations from the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Greece, Austria, Denmark and Italy in order to share experiences, analysis and programs regardings the common condition of students in Europe.
During the discussion we have analysed the effects of European strategies about the building of the so called ‘knowledge economy’ in schools and universities:
– on access to knowledge, more and more based on criteria of the socio-economic background because of the attack on welfare systems;
– on the rearticulation of schools’ and universities’ internal governance. These educational spaces are experiencing the closure of the spaces of participation for students and workers and a growing influence, both direct and indirect, by private companies;
– on the mutations of the forms of teaching methods and evaluation as a result of the transformation of the social role of knowledge, which is more and more subordinated to short term private interests so losing its capacity of transformation of reality.
Many of these processes are strengthening with the European economic and financial crisis. The governance of austerity and the blackmail of debt have highlighted inequalities also concerning access to education and to its capability of guaranteeing a future of dignity to each and every of us. Today, from the first time after World War II, our generation lives material conditions which are poorer than the ones the previous generation experienced. We are convinced that education plays a crucial role in this process and that our struggle in schools and universities is capable of inverting this process.
We cannot forget the crisis has an effect on the whole society. Those governing us are constantly repeating the mantra that we must repay the debt through less rights, less resources for education and welfare, less democracy. We want to say that today, after five years of cuts and attacks on education and rights, we are more than ever in credit of democracy, of rights, of resources. Our aim is to extend the Greek ‘OXI’, which was pronounced with the referendum, on a european scale: we have not only to stand in solidarity; we want to connect the struggles because austerity affects our lives too and the debt’s blackmail can be broken by rebuilding positive power dynamics in opposition of european elites.
For this reason we believe that it is fundamental to imagine and practice a European mobilisation together during the upcoming months, which could maybe start from the shared experience of the International Students Day on the 17th November. We open this proposal starting from our
students’ condition and from our generation, as well as from our struggles which developed in recent months. We believe this perspective can be extended to all those who believe that austerity is not the solution and instead that there is an alternative that we want to start practicing. We need to stop the actual policies to give space to democracy and the possibility of a dignified future for all.
The students from the international meeting:
Rete della Conoscenza
Link Coordinamento Universitario
Unione Degli Studenti
Syriza’s Youth
Union Nationale Lycéenne
Aktion Kritischer Schüler_Innen (AKS)
De Nieuwe Universiteit Amsterdam
National Campaign Against Fees And Cuts
DGS – Danske Gymnasieelevers Sammenslutning