Wanneer: 12/04/2015 - 21:49
Maandag om 15:00 wordt er een demonstratie georganiseerd in Amsterdam naar aanleiding van het ontruimen van het Maagdenhuis afgelopen weekend.
De Nieuwe Universiteit, ReThink UvA, Humanities Rally and University of Colour organize Academic March, Monday 13 April, 15:00, REC complex
This weekend a peaceful Festival of Science and Humanities was forcefully disrupted by an overwhelming riot police force after the UvA Executive Board (CvB) had asked the city council to evict the Maagdenhuis. Students, staff members, and sympathizers peacefully left the building as soon as the police arrived, but were nevertheless assaulted, intimidated, injured and arrested. In spite of the mayor’s desire to maintain a peaceful dialogue and DNU’s much-publicized announcement that the building would be vacated as soon as Sunday night, this excessive show of force was deemed necessary by the CvB.
DNU, Humanities Rally, ReThink Uva and the University of Colour are striving towards a better university with a democratic structure, a focus on educational values rather than financial gains and a free academic community. Despite the start of a productive process of reform of the university—including the historic creation of two independent committees tasked with reforming the finances and structures of the University--this disgraceful act from a seemingly divided and inconsistent CvB has crushed the trust that had painstakingly been rebuilt. The CvB continues to marginalise and even criminalise those involved in the process, and Saturday’s events have shocked the international academic community.
We therefore call upon all members of the academic community to join us in protesting the CvB’s destructive actions. Staff members and students are invited to join us in a march from the UvA REC complex on Roeterseiland to the Binnengasthuisterrein. The march will demonstrate our strengthened resolve to improve conditions at our university and to fight managerialism and ‘rendementsdenken.’
RethinkUva and Humanities Rally are calling to dress in a way that represents academia. Some professors have announced that they will appear in their traditional ceremonial robes (‘togas’), assistant and associate professors may demonstrate their ‘need for tweed', students can basically choose upon their interpretation of refrain from choosing altogether. We would like to stress that everybody from inside and outside academia is welcome to join this march in the clothes of their choosing.
The Manifestation will start at 15.00 on Roeterseiland at CREA. DNU, Humanities Rally UvA, Rethink UvA and University of Colour will speak. The amazing songwriter Daan Hafkamp will perform.