Wanneer: 27/03/2014 - 11:33
This morning, the German police started 'day X', the evictoin of the occupied forest of Hambach.
This morning, the German police started 'day X', the eviction of the occupied forest of Hambach.
The forest has to make place for the expansion of the largest open cast browncoal mining in Europe.
The police has the place surrounded, they came with a digger and specialized climbing police. They set up a big tent which is a clear sign that they plan to stay for a longer period of time.
The German media says there are people in lock-ons and treehouses.
In the beginning of the forest there are sounds of machines (perhaps chainsaws), already the walkways have been cut by police in cherrypickers (so the activists are stuck in the treehouses), and there is lots of police.
Updates will follow, also check this sites (in German)
http://hambacherforst.blogsport.de/ (also on this site there is a map which shows how to get there)