Wanneer: 13/02/2014 - 19:34
Implicit cooperation
Today, after ten days we lived in our new home, some several problems have occurred in recent days is solved, first of all the neighbor, which proved very disappointed in our presence, and tried to get into the house, with hostile intentions, without our permission.
This forced us to equip the home of several barricades, which did not allow the neighbor to come inside.
The barricades have resisted and now after few days we living in peace because the neighbor withdrew, and began to accept our peaceful presence inside the building.
Many of the initial problems are over, still remain to be solved the usual problem of our friends who still live on the streets, to which we offer our solidarity and help to find a space where they can express themselves well.
Solidarity that we offer only to those who respect us, respect our home and our rules of social coexistence.
This large space available to us pushes our imagination, we would like to share it with the other people who have the same values and ideals, cultural events, video screenings, forums, dinners or parties.
The place is located here: http://goo.gl/maps/tSYvp
Anyone who wants to collaborate is welcome, also we are available to cooperate or to host events.
Our mailing address is: Klaproos@squat.net
Thanks to everybody.