Wanneer: 14/10/2013 - 16:34
"You have not lived a perfect day unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you."
Now imagine this: You're being accused by the U.S. government of A CRIME YOU NEVER COMMITTED. You were set up by one of the friends that you trusted, who used your credentials to make a lot of money through illegal activities on the internet and then just fled to his country. The roommate is now safe, while you, the innocent one, are facing imminent extradition to the U.S.
Well, this did happen to Hoang Giang (Lee) Vu, a 23-year old Vietnamese student at Saxion in Deventer, the Netherlands.
His former roommate, Nguyễn Quốc Việt (22/01/1987), residence at No.27 lane 8 Võ Thị street, Tây Hồ district, Hà Nội was the one committing this crime and setting Lee up. Viet was a hacker and stole almost 800.000 Euros and the fled Vietnam, leaving Lee as a scapegoat. Now Viet is safe in Vietnam because there is no extradition treaty between Vietnam and The United States, while Lee is being under the decision of the States for what he DID NOT do.
This a story of someone, who from one day to another, everything he worked so hard for can be taken away from him. He tried everything he could to prove his innocence and proactively helped in the investigation only to fall on silent ears. Lee does want to defend himself in the U.S., but prefers to finish his studies first. In the meantime, he is willing to be fully cooperative with the U.S. government investigation.
We need your empathy and support to postpone the extradition until he can complete his degree by signing this petition to the Minister of Safety and Justice.
We signed. Now we need you, too.
This could happen to any of us, to you, or anyone you know.
Follow this link to sign: http://petities24.com/lee_moet_blijven
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LeeMoetBlijven.LeeMustStay
Blogspot: http://leemoetblijven.blogspot.nl/p/home-page.html
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nH-PCEa5uM