Wanneer: 14/03/2013 - 12:10
This week saw new allegations of rape and sexual misconduct in the Socialist Workers' Party, Britain's largest Leninist organization. Last weekend a special conference dedicated to the previous allegations, was won by the party leadership. Many opposition members have now resigned. Below are some links with the most recent news and opinions.
New allegations of rape and sexual misconduct: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2013/mar/09/socialist-workers-party-ra...
Opinion piece by feminist Laurie Penny: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/mar/12/swp-rape-implosion-w...
Big group collectively resigns from SWP: http://internationalsocialismuk.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/fao-central-commi...
One of the most prominent SWP members, intellectual rising star Richard Seymour, explains his reasons for resigning: http://www.leninology.com/2013/03/on-resigning-from-swp.html
Here Richard Seymour writes some more about the crisis, promising more article in the same series: http://www.leninology.com/2013/03/the-crisis-in-swp-part-i.html en http://www.leninology.com/2013/03/the-crisis-in-swp-part-ii.html
And last, but very worthwhile reading, an article by self-described "direct-action, anarcho-marxist, feminist and Darwinian anthropologist" on sexism in the SWP and what Marx and Engels have written about sexism, and how this has been distorted by most Marxist sects: http://libcom.org/history/%E2%80%98feminism-dirty-word%E2%80%99-what-wou...
Tags: Internationale Socialisten sexism SWP