21st Anniversary of Anarchist Library Amsterdam

Hier kun je discussieren over 21st Anniversary of Anarchist Library Amsterdam.
Come join us on a day full of workshops, books, zines, cocktails, bands and more!

14:00 | Doors open

From 14:00 till around 20:00 there will be all kinda of anarchist related stands, books, zines, food, cocktails and drinks in the yard.

Workshops | 15:30 – 19:00
@ MKZ Building
Workers’ struggle and solidarity, panel & open discussion
Time: 15:30 – 17:30
w/ Horeca United, Vloerwerk, Doorbraak and Anarchist Group Amsterdam
Here we are going to have a look and discussion about the current grassroots workers struggles, share experience, set backs, look for ways to support each other and hopefully come with some new insights.

@ The Library
Security workshop by AAAH! (Anarchist Action Assistance Hour)
Time: tba

More workshops tba

19:30 Diner time!

MUSIC & BANDS @ OCCII | 20:30 – 2:00

Screamo/punk from Leipzig

Riot grrrl punk



65% of donations will go to the International Anarchist Defense Fund and 30% to the library to print new anarchist pamflets.

30 September
Eerste schinkelstraat 14-16 & OCCII Amstelveenseweg 134

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