Food Autonomy Festival #3: Open Evaluation

Aankondiging, gepost door: ASEED Europe op 22/06/2019 06:02:35

Waar: Plantage Dokzaal, Plantage Doklaan 12, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wanneer: 27/06/2019 - 18:00 t/m 27/06/2019 - 21:00

After about a month to collect thoughts and work on other projects ASEED would like to cordially invite all of the volunteers, participants, and other organizations that helped to transform the FAF from a one day festival into a 3 day action camp to join us for an open evaluation.

A week ago we had an internal evaluation, to already come up with some ideas about how we felt about our process' in organizing the camp, but we didn't create this event alone. Without the help of numerous people around in our networks this camp would not have been possible. So we would love to meet up and have a discussion about what were some strong points to how we organized and what can be improved! The end goal of this evaluation is to create a kind of guide book for future ASEED volunteers, and other organizers around, to have some tools and tips available for how to organize such an event. We want to create something which can be shared in the community.

We would also like to spend part of this evaluation having a conversation about how we can work on making the spaces that we organize in less racist. Unfortunately we have all been raised in a world which is built on systemic racism, sexism, and classism, to name a few, and it should be part of our job in building our communities to be critical of when we allow these things to enter our spaces. It is a tough learning curve, and we want to make some space to discuss how we can spot it, be more comfortable speaking up, and how to empower ourselves and others around us while doing so.

So please come and join us if you are curious, or if you have something to add.

This is the proposed agenda for the evening:

1. Opening Name round 10 min
2. ASEED's feedback 10 min
3. Evaluation 1.5 hour ( 15 minutes for each round)
- setting/location
- talks/workshops
- facilities & food
- night programme
- time frame
3. Saturday evening: discussion and how to proceed? 45 min
- ASEED statement: what happened, how did we react, public statement
-Open questions raised in the statement:
How can we do better to prevent, or deal with such incidents in a constructive way?
How can we become better at recognizing and responding to racist stereotypes and speaking out more swiftly and with more confidence?
How can we have these discussions while building up our community?

The evaluation will take place at the Plantage Dokzaal in Amsterdam on Thursday June 27 from 18:00-21:00. If you have some feedback or critique of the agenda proposal please send an email to We will try our best to adjust the agenda accordingly. All proposals should be sent to us by Wednesday 26 to be potentially added or adjusted.

We look forward to seeing you all again and learning from each other during this evaluation.


[date in OP fixed]

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