Hier kun je discussieren over Feminist action at Irish embassy.
In Ireland a disturbing case of victim blaming took place during a court case focussing on the rape of a 17 year old girl. The defendant’s lawyer brought up the victim’s behaviour and clothing during the trial, and used her thong as evidence against her. Eventually it was judged that the rapist was not guilty, because, according to the defendant’s lawyer, wearing a thong makes you ‘open to the possibility of being with someone and the person she became attracted to ended up being the defendant.’
Kattenkwaad wants to address the problematic results of misogynist ideas and the issue of victim blaming. The autonomous feminist initiative took this action to show that we disagree with the way this court case was run. How is wearing a thong ‘asking for it’? No means no, and only an enthusiastic yes, is a yes with consent. The reality is that it doesn’t matter what you wear, because people are getting assaulted no matter their clothing. Sadly, sexual assault happens way too often, and the assaulters almost never feel the consequences. And the people involved in this case, deciding the assaulter was not guilty, will also not bear the consequences of his deeds. The system treating rape as something excusable, should be faced with the inequality and sexism they enable. In the Hague the closest place to reach the people contributing to the Irish political situation, is the Irish embassy. Therefore we took our thongs there. Because it doesn’t matter if you walk alone at night, or how much you had to drink. Clothing does not cause rape, rapists cause rape.
We demand the person who was found innocent to be held accountable for his actions. It’s time that the men who do this are not excused. Stop victim blaming!
Awesome action! Only thing I
Awesome action!
Only thing I disagree with is sometimes an enthusiastic no is also consent, if you have agreed beforehand to be into that kind of stuff.
Recent in het nieuws : de
Recent in het nieuws : de meeste verkrachtingen in Nederland komen nooit voor de strafrechter. In de verkrachtingzaken die wel voor de rechter komen volgt slechts zelden een veroordeling. Aangifte doen word bemoeilijkt door de politie vaak word er geen aangifte gedaan word er geen initiatief genomen tot aangifte door het slachtoffer.
ik kan de bron even niet vinden van het recente nieuws maar wel een oudere bron :
in Belgie is het niet anders :
Ik vermoed dat mannen nog minder vaak aangifte doen uit schaamte. Daar bij ik denk dat vrouwen eerdr risico mijdend gedrag vertonen in deze dan mannen. Vrouwen zullen eerder een taxi nemen s avonds denk ik of thuis blijven. Waarom zijn vrouwen dan vaker slachtoffer dan mannen ? Omdat er meer heteros zijn is geen verklaring omdat verkrachting vaak weinig met homo of hetero te maken heeft maar meer met macht doen gelden dat is een verklaring voor verkrachting die ik wel eens heb gelezen.