Wanneer: 18/11/2018 - 21:20
In the past few days we are receiving threats from local right wing groups
We are asking all the people interested to protect and support our place for solidarity.
There was a short clash between us and a local right wing group outside our building.
We are Ravelaan 7 squat.Since yesterday we have been thrown bottles and stones and we are under constant intimidation from various racists who are trying to harass our place and intimidate and confront the people who come to our location.We kindly ask every activist who fights against racism and right wing violence to visit and support us at our location.Also several of them were arrested after they tried to attack us,one of them got abandoned by his fellow fascists and left his scooter there.
Ravelaan 7 Utrecht
Tags: antifa
The people harrassing you are indeed total shit, but so are michael and rogier. their so-called radical antiracism is fucking idiotic and dangerous to the whole activist / squatter scene. you really should not want to be associated with them.
We all agree that zwarte piet should go. but not by the means of ridiculous terrorist threats.
Kick these people out of your squat!
Kick out the persons mentioned above and your trouble will be over. Give the fascist back to the fascist. They won't stand up and protect your squat them selfs, and let 'the scene' do their dirty work.
For the rest of ravellaan, stay strong!