Wanneer: 12/08/2018 - 17:24
Hambach Forest: eviction possible! We currently assume that between 08-22 and 09-22, there will be large evictions in the forest, including an eviction of the occupations. This assumption is underpinned by information that we have been given that specifically targets this period.
What makes us so sure?
During the past few weeks, there have been repeatedly police operations involving climbing police, as well as factory fire brigades and other RWE personnel. Coordinates were collected, tree houses photographed and mapped, and as much information on the tree houses as possible. Therefore, we can assume that police and RWE are gaining an overview of the situation in order to be able to evacuate in the short term.
Past police operations:
- Monday, July 30th: Fototour der Polizei im Forst (German only)
- Monday, August 6th and Thursday, August 9th: Polizei im Wald (German only)
We need you now! Time is running against us right now and we still have much to prepare for preventing eviction. Prepare yourselves, best get into the forest as soon as possible and speak with your peer group, if you have one. Whether you want to put up evictions directly in the way or you prefer to participate in a way that does not put you in danger, everyone can help in their own way. You can support us anyway, no matter if you can be here only for a few hours, a couple of days or the entire felling season.
Whether peaceful or militant, the resistance is what counts!
Website: https://hambachforest.org
BREAKINGNEWS: First eviction situation in #HambacherForst. After reatreating cops made an ultimatum to tree-sitters in LollyPop and D-Trap to come down or they would stay around all night. Now with 200 more cops coming into the forest they are setting up eviction equipment.
Source: https://twitter.com/hambibleibt
They took enough trees already.
Its now time to take away this destructive sell out system that has no respect for nature or people.
Solidarity with all that try to save our forests.
Maybe i'm a dreamer
Hope not the only one.
I believe in that butterfly story.
Still fictive however.
Woodstock 2018.
Save the Hambacher Forst!