Wanneer: 12/02/2017 - 20:22
The NoDAPL Global Solidarity Campaign has called for a Week of Action from February 12th – 17th. The Army Corps has approved the final easement and drilling has begun! The Solidarity Campaign is asking for supporters to take action and escalate pressure against corporations that are funding the Dakota Access Pipeline.
We are calling all able bodied, prepared Water Protectors to the frontlines! Come to camp prepared! The conditions are hazardous and North Dakota State Legislature is passing laws that target Water Protectors! Be prepared for these conditions. Several contingents of US Veterans are on their way back to camp. Join us! We need you now! This is our last stand!
Here are some corporations and banks (Banks, ACOE HQ’s, Corporate HQ’s, Trump Towers & Golf Courses)
Here are some more specific institutions
Here are some printable flyers.
Here are some JPEG’s for social media.
For more information, check out #NoDAPL Indigenous Land Defense & Strategic Solidarity: Pressuring Power and Capital. For news on past actions in the Netherlands, check out Protest against INGs funding of the Dakota Access Pipeline.
From: #NoDAPL Solidarity
Nog een link met informatie over de investering van ING in de DAPL: stopfundingoil.noblogs.org
Donderdag 16 januari hebben twintig actievoerders van Greenpeace een meterslange oliepijpleiding aangelegd tot in het hoofdkantoor van ING in Amsterdam. Greenpeace wil dat de bank zijn lening aan de omstreden Dakota Access olie pijpleiding in de Verenigde Staten terugtrekt. De actie betekent Nederlandse steun voor het vreedzame verzet van de Amerikaanse Sioux tegen de aanleg.
ING stop je Dirty BankING!: http://www.greenpeace.nl/2016/Nieuwsberichten/Klimaat--Energie/ING-stop-...