Orfanotrofio squat evicted - Call for solidarity

Nieuws, gepost door: nn op 28/07/2016 07:10:08

Wanneer: 28/07/2016 - 11:49

Call for transnational solidarity
Ideas are not evicted

Since this morning (27/07) the cops have invaded 3 housing squats, which host refugees and immigrants, these are orfanotrofio, the one on Nikis boulvrd. and the recently squatted on C. Dill str. (Huriya). 83 people were detained and there is information about over 75 arrests with the accusation of "civil peace disturbance". The procedure of the demolition of Orfanotrofio has already started, while people who were in the building and were in need of medication were not allowed to take it.
The refugees and immigrants are transferred to detention centers and the solidaries were dragged into police detention buildings and courts. Some time later comrades have clashed with the cops in front of the entrance of syriza's office in Thessaloniki and occupied it. The far-right bastards of syriza go smoothly hand in hand with ND (nea dimokratia, right-wing party in power before syriza's election), anthimos (the metropolit, church's highest officer in Thessaloniki) and all the rest pile of shit, consisting the long arm of repression. With a non-seen before operation of revenge against no border camp, they attack in the crack of dawn on families of refugees in their own homes and on the solidaries. Power reveal its teeth again and they are completely rotten, as the bankrupt world of state and bosses is. None of us is afraid of them. Our comrades through syriza's office occupation demand the immediate release of all the arrested locals and migrants, the stoppage of the demolition of Orfanotrofio, cops out of our homes and lives.

Collective for Social Anarchism - Mavro & Kokkino (Black & Red)

solidarity actions

Thessaloniki: Demonstration in solidarity with those arrested, occupation of Syriza offices - in their announcment "We call everyone to resist and thwart the state's and its mechanism's attack with solidarity and selforganising and by projecting the attack against modern totalitarianism.
They're not scaring us, they make us angry!
Solidarity will win!"

Basque: Protest gathering in Iruña in solidarity with arrestees and against the evictions of the squats

Larisa: Occupation of Syriza offices

Zografou: Banner drop

Ioannina: Occupation of the office of Olga Gerovasili

Karditsa: PA system with texts read and spread and banner drop


Yesterday evening during the demostration in #Thessaloniki a new house was squated! You can't evict a movement!


In a move unprecedented in times of “democracy”, the Greek government raided and evicted today, 27 July in the early morning, three squats in the city of Thessaloniki, which were being used as shelter for refugees.



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