Wanneer: 01/05/2015 - 18:28
On 20 till 22 april in polish town Katowice there was held the seventh european economie congress.
On saturday the 18th of april 200 demontrators walked trough the town against this congress. Around 1000 riot cops protected the town.
On sunday the 19th activists squatted an abandoned appartements building on the street Mariacka, where activists opened an alternative congress center. At the opening
they had a fire show, a hiphop concert and a dance party inside and outside the building. At night the police attacked the building. The occupation of this building was
a form of resist against european congress and their antisocial politics. The groups of activists are planning to organise critical debats and presentations. In result of
the attack the anti terrorist unit arrested 21 people and hospitalised 3 of them. Al the arrested anarchists got charged for attacking a police officer.
Police used noice granates an anarchist response was botles and fire work.
Fotos and videos and more info;
Yesterday, Milan black bloc used smoke bombs to blind cops, then change clothes, drop gear and slip into crowd.