Hier kun je discussieren over Politieke censuur in Australië .
The Socialist Equality Party calls on WSWS readers around the world to write letters of protest condemning the flagrant act of political censorship targeting the SEP and its fight, as part of the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), to develop an international anti-war movement in the working class on the basis of a socialist and internationalist perspective.
This attack on the ICFI and the SEP is, in the most profound sense, an attack on the international working class. By seeking to censor and silence the world Trotskyist movement, the ruling class and its political defenders are attempting to prevent the working class from taking up the revolutionary internationalist perspective necessary to unify workers of all countries, in a common struggle against the capitalist profit system, and end forever the scourge of war.
Australian city council refuses to revoke ban on SEP meeting
Australian city council refuses to revoke ban on SEP meeting
Shocked at a deliberate action to stifle freedom of speech
“Shocked at a deliberate action to stifle freedom of speech”
WSWS readers condemn Australian council ban on anti-war meeting
Scores of emails have been sent in the past 24 hours from the UK, France, the United States,
Thailand and Australia passionately condemning the council’s blatant political censorship and discrimination.
The council has contemptuously responded to the protests with a perfunctory pro forma letter
refusing to reverse the cancellation or provide any explanation for its decision.
Burwood Mayor John Faker and six other city councillors
have not replied to SEP national secretary James Cogan ’s April 13 letter.
A selection of the most recent letters to the council from WSWS readers and SEP supporters are published below.
"Refusal to allow SEP meeting to warn against future slaughter
is a betrayal of youth and humanity.”
De WSWS waarschuwt voor toenemende militarisering en de mogelijkheid van een Derde Wereldoorlog.
Als we daar niet bang voor hoeven zijn, waarom dan censuur ?
Censuur is er als burgers de waarheid niet mogen zeggen.
The Stanford historian Ian Morris
The Stanford historian Ian Morris goes even further.
He evaluates the slaughter of the First and Second World Wars positively.
In the Washington Post of April 25, he published an article entitled,
“In the long run, wars make us safer and richer”.
In it he calculates that in the Stone Age, 10 to 20 percent of all people were killed by other humans.
The 100 million to 200 million victims of both World Wars, on the other hand,
only constituted 1 to 2 percent of the 10 billion people that lived on earth during the course of the century.
“War may well be the worst way imaginable to create larger, more peaceful societies,
but the depressing fact is that it is pretty much the only way”, he concludes.
If one looks at the latest edition of Spiegel, then it is only a question
of time before Mr. Morris can spew his fascistic filth, which like Hitler,
regards mass murder as a way to refine the human race, in the editorial columns of the German press.
Artikel: http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2014/04/30/spie-a30.html
Lehnt die politische Zensur der australischen SEP ab!
Lehnt die politische Zensur der australischen SEP ab!
Die Socialist Equality Party ruft WSWS-Leser weltweit auf, Protestbriefe zu schreiben und den gravierenden Akt politischer Zensur gegen die SEP und ihren Kampf als Sektion des Internationalen Komitees der Vierten Internationale (IKVI) zu verurteilen, eine internationale Antikriegsbewegung in der Arbeiterklasse auf der Grundlage einer sozialistischen und internationalistischen Perspektive aufzubauen.
Die Intrigen des amerikanischen und australischen Imperialismus sind Bestandteil des Drangs des Kapitalismus zu Krieg. Ein Jahrhundert nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg haben die unlösbaren Widersprüche des kapitalistischen Systems – zwischen der Weltwirtschaft und ihrer Aufspaltung in konkurrierende Nationalstaaten, die auf dem Privateigentum an den Produktionsmitteln basieren – erneut zu einem globalen wirtschaftlichen Zusammenbruch geführt und gewaltige internationale Spannungen um die Kontrolle über Ressourcen, Märkte und Profitquellen erzeugt. Vom Nahen Osten zur Ukraine, von Nigeria bis in das Südchinesische Meer sind Krisenregionen geschaffen worden, die zu einem offenen Konflikt zwischen Nuklearmächten führen und die Katastrophe eines Dritten Weltkriegs auslösen können.
Growing opposition to censorship of SEP (Australia) anti-war mee
20 April 2015 Growing opposition to censorship of SEP (Australia) anti-war meeting
The concerted attempt to politically censor the SEP has failed
Socialist Equality Party meetings to proceed on April 26
The Socialist Equality Party (SEP) is pleased to announce that its public meetings, “Anzac Day, the glorification of militarism and the drive to World War III,” will proceed, as planned, in Sydney and Melbourne, and in Wellington, New Zealand on April 26. The concerted attempt to politically censor the SEP by denying it access to meeting facilities in Sydney has failed. The meeting will take place in the Civic Theatre at the Hurstville Entertainment Centre, starting at 2.00 p.m. Please note the earlier starting time.
Sydney pacifist forum blocks motion to oppose bans SEP meeting
Sydney pacifist forum blocks motion to oppose bans on SEP’s anti-war meeting