Upcoming Evictions on Spuistraat, Amsterdam - Call-out from the Middle East

Nieuws, gepost door: the Middle East op 02/03/2015 03:05:49

Wanneer: 02/03/2015 - 18:08

Hey people!

As you might know, Tabakspanden on Amsterdam Spuistraat is getting evicted quite soon. We, the people of the Middle East ( Spuistraat 231) recently got an eviction letter telling us to leave before the 3rd of March. Middle East has been squatted for over 10 years, and of course we're not just waiting for them to come get us, or our house.

Over the last years Amsterdam is becoming more and more a yuppie heaven, gentrification became a daily business, the other name of the city. Every alternative space or any kind of alternative thinking is pushed to the outskirts, and ultimately out of this city. We're against gentrification and yuppification of any city, and we'll resist till the end. We're in solidarity with the squatters in De Vloek in Scheveningen, and the students occupying in Maagdenhuis several hundred meters from us. We're resisting the same mentality, be it the real estate speculation, precarious living and working conditions, equal access to decision processes in university, and in general in the city.
Although the 'legal' (appartements with rental contracts, anti-squatters) part of the Tabakspanden has to leave by the 18th of March, we can get the attention from the police already this Tuesday. If that won't happen – we'll be occupying the coming weeks, and, hopefully another 10 years as well!
These days we're barricading, occupying and preparing for the upcoming eviction... We call all our friends to support and contribute in any way they can! We need your solidarity!

Also, on the day of the eviction we encourage everybody to come show their solidarity in any way they see fit, be it on the spuistraat itself or anywhere else.

the Middle East

Tags: amsterdam eviction spuistraat


zojuist 6 ME busjes ter hoogte van Weesperplein.


(Vals alarm)

[Amsterdam] poging ontruiming Tabakspanden!?, https://www.indymedia.nl/node/26877 .


[Amsterdam] Go wild! Call out for tabakspanden solidarity! Fuck evictions!, https://www.indymedia.nl/node/26896 .

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