[Amsterdam] Go wild! Call out for tabakspanden solidarity! Fuck evictions!

Nieuws, gepost door: nn op 10/03/2015 03:03:49

Wanneer: 10/03/2015 - 15:34

The tabakspanden are a group of squatted houses in the Spuistraat, Amsterdam. They were squatted over ten years ago. Recently they are under threat of eviction. Today, the threat got serious when a couple of cops wanted to get into the Middle East. Apparently, jokes like paintbombing cop cars are not funny in their book. They closed off the street and tried to ram the barricaded door to the building. A rain of paintbombs and bad luck with the door kept them at distance and they ran off. We don't expect them to leave it at this and we're expecting the ME any time soon.

This means: it's on. There's something in the air now. The eviction that's at hand is suddenly more near. We call out on your rebelious spirit and hope it's as alive and thriving as ours. We call out to fuck shit up and go wild. Smash stuff, paint things, write your slurs and offensive shit all over town (or the rest of the world, for that matter). This is not a passive struggle. We don't just occupy in protest to eviction for emptiness. We occupy against evictions in general. Fuck evictions. Do what you can, anything, to make it clear that we won't stand them trespassing OUR spaces.


The middle east (spuistraat, amsterdam)

As we always say, "Anything Is Possible!"
new banner on the middle east ;) spread the luv! <3 <3< 3



Politie Amsterdam bereidt zich voor op grote actie tegen krakers in Spuistraat

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