Wanneer: 11/11/2013 - 18:53
Today the March of Independence in Warsaw ( Poland) nationalist militants was to try to "get" squat "Przychodnia".
Squaters defended themselves from the roof and repelled the attack. Burned one car, the injured are more nationalists.
[added by mod: vertaling van statement van Przychodnia Collectief]
"Deelnemers aan de Mars voor Onafhankelijkheid hebben omstreeks 15u45 het sociaal centrum Przychodnia aangevallen. Het is alleen dankzij onze vastbeslotenheid and cordaat opreden dat het gelukt is om de nationalistische aanval te weren. Een aantal mensen zijn gewond maar niet levensbedreigend.
De neo-nazi's hadden zich voorbereid op vragen van de media. Ze hebben onmiddelijk geclaimed dat het de krakers waren die hun mars hadden aangevallen door in hun richting stenen te gooien vanaf het dak. Het is duidelijk dat dit niet kan, aangezien het einde van de Skorupi straat, waar het pand is gevestigd, zo'n 200 meter is van de Marszałkowska straat, waar de nationalisten hun mars liepen.
We hebben op video's kunnen zien hoe de paramilitaire groep 'Bewakers van de Mars voor Onafhankelijkheid', die ingehuurd was als ordedienst, heeft gefaciliteerd dat een groep van enkele honderden mensen de stoet kon verlaten, bewapend en klaar om te vechten. De deelnemers aan de Mars voor Onafhankelijkheid renden richting Przychodnia met flares, flessen en stenen in de hand.
De nationalisten hebben een auto in vlam gezet en ander auto beschadigd, ze hebben vernielingen aangericht aan het pand bij hun poging om binnen te komen, maar we waren gelukkig in staat om de aanval te weren. Dit is gelukt omdat we wacht hielden op het dak (we werden al enige tijd bedreigd), en snel konden optreden om de flares die binnen het gebouw vielen te doven.
Wij willen benadrukken dat ondanks het feit dat Politieeenheden slechts enkele honderden meters van ons vandaan stonden, ze wel 20 minten nodig hadden om in actie te komen. Als we naar de Politie hadden geluisterd en het gevaar hadden gebagatelliseerd, was het kraakpand nu afgebrand.
De Goebbels-achtige propaganda van de Nationale Beweging probeert dit als 'hooliganisme' af te doen - ondanks het feit dat het de eigen officiële ordedienst van de mars was die de aanvallers het stoet liet verlaten, en ze later hielp met wegkomen. We bereiden ons momenteel op een volgende aanval, dus blijf op de hoogte!
Met antifascistische groet,
het Przychodnia Collectief."
english version:
Around 3:45 pm the participants of the independence march attacked Przychodnia social centre. It is owing only to our own determination and calmness that we managed to resist the nationalist aggression. A few people were injured but nobody's life is in danger.
Neo-fascists were prepared to comment on the matter in the media and immediately informed that it was the people from the squat who attacked their march from the roof throwing stones in their direction. It is obvious that it was impossible because the end of Skorupki street, where the building is located, is around 200 meters from Marszałkowska street, along which nationalists were marching.
As we can see on a few videos, a paramilitary called The Guard of The Independence March, whose role was to protect the march, made it possible to pass for the group of a few hundred people, armed and ready to fight. The participants of The Independence March, flares, bottles and stones in their hands, rushed into Przychodnia.
The nationalists set one car on fire and devastated another one, damaged the building trying get inside, but fortunately we managed to resist the attack. It was possible only because we had kept watch on the roof (we had been threatened for some time already) and reacted fast to put out flares which fell inside the building.
We want to stress that despite the fact that the police squads were stationed a few hundred meters from us, it took them 20 minutes to intervene. If we had listened to the police and ignnored the danger, the squat would have been burnt down.
The Goebbelsian propaganda of the National Movement is trying to make it appear like an act of hooliganism - despite the fact that it was the officially appointed guard of the march who let the attackers leave the march and helped them evacuate afterwards. At the moment we are getting prepared for another raid, stay alert!
With antifascist salutations,
Przychodnia Collective.
Here You can see the movies
paar screenshot van videos
Contact page of attacked squats:
Statement of Syrena squat
Today, on Independence Day, the police maintained constant patrol over the streets Skorupki and Wilcza where the autonomous spaces Syrena and Przychodnia are located.
About 3:30 PM, the nationalist March of Independence moved through the city center. The police troops standing guard near Skorupki street dispersed and disappeared.
Simultaneously, a several dozen-strong group of neo-Nazi demonstrators arrived. They broke the chains at the gate and entered the site. Armed with machetes, bottles, and clubs, they proceded to attack the people inside. At the moment, Syrena’s quarters held eight children aged 3 to 14, among other persons.
The greatest damage was done to Przychodnia – with cars burned and destroyed, people injured, and windowpanes knocked out. For about thirty minutes – due to the police forces’ retreating – we were forced to defend ourselves on our own. Had it not been for our firm response, the scene would have ended in tragedy: the neo-Nazi attackers were ready to kill.
This is what your ‘patriotism’ looks like today. Every single person taking part in the Independence March shares the responsibility for the attacks on homes of evicted families, of the elderly, of people with disabilities and all those who cannot afford neither their rent nor a 30-year bank loan.
This is reality in Warsaw as it was today – those in power evict, the fascists strike.
We will endure both.
video from attack on Przychodnia squat in Warsaw Poland