|  | Hoofdprijs anti-G8 wedstrijd is 1000 euro | enter fort europa - 04.07.2008 10:02
Bij de wedstrijd die aanstaande zaterdag in Dordrecht in het kader van de internationale actiedag tegen de G8 wordt gehouden, zijn heuse prijzen te winnen. De hoofdprijs is een geldbedrag van 1000,- euro. Dit bedrag is beschikbaar gesteld door XminY Solidariteitsfonds ( http://www.xminy.nl). Lees verder... |  |  | Schulden-crisis naar nieuwe fase (en verzet ook) globalinfo.nl - 22.06.2011 17:16
Urenlang zond CNN gisteren (dinsdagavond 21 juni) live uit hoe het Griekse parlement stemde over een motie van wan/vertrouwen voor de regering. Split screen waren tegelijkertijd beelden te zien van tienduizenden mensen die voor het parlement eisten dat de regering (en wat dat betreft: ook de parlementsleden) naar huis zouden vertrekken. CNN suggereerde dat de stemming bepalend zou zijn voor 'iedereen op de wereld' en dat de gevolgen verschrikkelijk zouden zijn als de regering zou vallen. Daardoor zou de hele wereldeconomie dieper in de crisis getrokken kunnen worden. Lees verder... |  | Ban Circumcision and Female genital mutilation M.A.Hussain - 22.06.2011 12:54
It is tragic that we are adopting a barbaric ritual of male circumcision and female genital mutilation that belongs to Iron age in the twenty-first century. From the moment of birth, every child has all the human rights of any other person - including the inviolable right to freedom from non-consensual, non-therapeutic bodily alternation. Muslim and Jew Males and females are being denied their inherent right to keep all the body parts with which they were born. Fixation of Muslims and Jews with physical matters like on diet, bodily cleanliness and circumcision reveal their spiritual improvishment. Lees verder... |  | Solidariteit met de strijd van de Viva! Thuizorgwerkers arjan de goede - 19.06.2011 23:54
Sinds januari van dit jaar voeren de thuiszorgmedewerkers van Viva! Zorggroep in IJmond en in Haarlem actie. Waarom? Omdat hun baas met het idee kwam om hen hetzelfde werk te laten doen voor minder salaris. Komende donderdag 23 juni gaan ze massaal naar Den Haag om zich te vervoegen bij het protest van de PGB-ers, die daar tegelijkertijd plaatsvindt op Het Plein. Lees verder... |  | TAKE THE SQUARE 19-6-2011 DAM Democracia Real YA --NL-- - 18.06.2011 18:24
>>>>>>>>>>>>PROPOSALS TO THE DAY>>>>>>>>>>>ABOUT EURO PACT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< NO TO THE EURO PACT: We are not goods in the hands of politicians and bankers. The EURO PACT: New attack on democracy ONCE AGAIN. ONCE AGAIN, the EU leaders endorse a policy misleading the public to the benefit of large financial corporations, instead of defending the citizens. On 27th June, all European governments, including that of Spain, will sign in Brussels a major socioeconomic daylight robbery of an international scope: the so-called Euro Pact, by which the politicians of the European Union agree to legislate the orders of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Central Bank (ECB) and the World Bank (WB). Failure to comply with these orders means, the rating agencies that have led Greece, Ireland and Portugal to the ruins (Moody's, Standard & Poor's, and Fitch) will resume their attacks. What do they sign when they ratify the Euro Pact? - The public sector salaries should be consistent with the competitiveness of the private sector, WHICH MEANS: further cuts in the public sector as it must offer the same benefits as the private sector�s derisory wages and increasing working hours. Including a sharp cut in the numbers of public employees. - Therefore all countries should adjust their laws to the dictates of the banks, WHICH MEANS governments are ONCE AGAIN not legislating for the protection and interests of citizens but in the favour of large banking corporations and the markets. - The retirement age will be delayed in all the countries in accordance with life expectancy. - Enhancing competitiveness: linking wages to productivity, just like what has already been done in Spain with the latest labour reform which calls for more flexible redundancy laws, more flexible labour agreements and more flexible contracts, thus endangering the current system of collective negotiation of labour laws. - To foster cheap lay-offs and Temporary Employment Agencies (TEA). The banks will lower the financial strains to encourage the hiring of workers, and in doing so will demolish the Social Security system and will be introducing the figure of "the perpetual intern and the perpetual precarious worker�. - The freezing of all pensions. - Reduction of social benefits. - Reduction of the social protection systems, worsening the Social Security system. - Reduction of spending on education, resulting in poorer results, which are conditions that favour and promote its ultimate privatisation. - Increased direct and indirect taxes for citizens, small and medium businesses and penalties for not complying with the payment of these taxes through fines, interest, fees, etc. - Changes to our constitution and that of the signatory countries with the aim of "adjusting the economy within the parameters of the IMF, ECB and World Bank� resulting in the loss of sovereignty of the people. ONCE AGAIN, governments do not use political power to legislate and to stop the provokers of the crisis and international banks and large hedge funds, for example, stepping in against financial corporations. Instead, with the signing of the Pact of the Euro scheduled for June 27, will strengthen the large financial corporations and adopt policies that are of interest to banks and large European companies. As if we hadn�t had enough, all governments independently of their political colour, will sign this agreement to commit to large financial corporations and thus, as ever, sacrifice the citizens ONCE AGAIN, enabling the financiers to continue defrauding the world using financial products that are as sophisticated as they are risky and fraudulent, and permitting bank usury. Using the deception that to deal with the debt crisis that grips Europe, increasing the competitiveness of national economies can only be achieved by reducing labour costs ... ONCE AGAIN. Still no mention of intervention in tax havens where the great fortunes rest or making laws against tax evasion. Still no talk of taxing financial transactions, regulating rating agencies, etc. Still no mention of measures against unemployment and in favour of social welfare. Still there is no consideration for a public and independent audit of the public debt in order to enable citizens to know what the debt really is and what part of it actually corresponds to the banks and private equity funds which according to the data we have constitutes most of the PUBLIC DEBT. ONCE AGAIN, we are served the impoverishment of society on a platter in benefit of expanding the great fortunes and accentuating the social divide. In this way, the historical record of the profits of large financial corporations are ONCE AGAINenlarged even more, the record high salaries of CEOs and executives will increase even more, and thus we reach record levels of poverty and unemployment. The difficulty of accessing this information is due to the lack of political transparency and the fear that ALL OF EUROPE will TAKE THE STREET. THERE ARE REASONS; ONCE AGAIN, TAKE THE STREET Lees verder... |  | Invoer Elektronisch Pati�nten Dossier alsnog via achterdeur anarchiel.com - 17.06.2011 18:44
Mooi, dacht u; het Elektronisch Pati�nten Dossier is voorgoed van de baan. Niets is minder waar. Via een achterdeur laat uw overheid deze centrale, gestandaardiseerde registratie van gevoelige gegevens, alsnog invoeren. Uiteindelijk gebeurt dat zelfs op wereldwijde schaal. In 2015 moet het systeem standaard zijn in heel Europa. Lees verder... | Do 16 juni KSU/Basta! Debat: Kaapt het Westen de Arab. Rev.? Kritische Studenten Utrecht / Basta! Debat - 13.06.2011 18:07
Wat is de complexe historische relatie tussen het Westen, deze regio en de huidige opstanden. Journalisten, en activisten zullen hun visie geven op de interventies vanuit Westerse landen. Zijn de interventies te rechtvaardigen of moet het tij gekeerd worden? Kom langs, en geef je mening! Wanneer: Do � 16 Juni 2011 Aanvang: 19.30 Locatie: De Kargadoor, Oudegracht 36, Utrecht Toegang: Gratis Lees verder... |  | Queeristan 2011 - 17./18./19. Juni! Queeristan - 10.06.2011 14:15
A queer weekend of activism and resistance. Let�s set out to explore issues of solidarity in times of change, talk about privilege, power, and sex, reclaiming our bodies and minds. Join us in creative, critical, and political workshops, artistic endeavors, and a queertastic party. Come with all your inspirations and criticisms to turn this weekend into an inspiring journey of queer politics! Lees verder... | Kamp Zeist: 6 man preventief de isoleercel in Anarchistische Anti-deportatie Groep Utrecht - 08.06.2011 15:19
Het afgelopen weekend zijn in Kamp Zeist zeker 6 mannen preventief in de isoleercel gegooid. Als reden werd opgegeven dat er een gerucht ging dat er een opstand op stapel was. Lees verder... | [am*dam] J8-9: SQeK in Joes Garage P. Bourdieu - 07.06.2011 16:59
In the last years a lot of social scientists have done research about squatters and the squatters movement in Europe. Some of them have coordinated their efforts and formed 'SQeK' (squatters europe kollektive), which meets on irregular base in the cities where squatting is in movement. They will share their findings and discuss them amongst eachother and of course with the movement at large. Wednesday 8th of june and thurday 9th of june 2011, Joes Garage will be the stage to such an event. Lees verder... | program+reader (A) Pinksterlanddagen online voorbereidingsgroep PL2011 - 06.06.2011 19:13
Beste mensen Het programma en de reader van de aankomende Pinksterlanddagen 2011 staan online, kan je alvast rustig thuis kijken wat er zoal gaat komen. Ook is het nu 100% zeker dat de Amerikaanse anarchist en schrijver David Graeber komt spreken over zijn nieuwe boek, Debt: the First 5000 years. Lees verder... | | |  | |