The anarchist summer camp is a collaboratively created camp, which should enable people, who pursue lived anarchy, to come together, exchange with each other and reflect about developments within the movement.
It is an experimental site, which joins self-determined, antiauthoritarian theory and practice and creates the opportunity to build networks of solidarity and mutual aid, as well as consciously approaching and dismantling forms of discrimination.
The anarchist summer camp is a collaboratively created camp, which should enable people, who pursue lived anarchy, to come together, exchange with each other and reflect about developments within the movement.
It is an experimental site, which joins self-determined, antiauthoritarian theory and practice and creates the opportunity to build networks of solidarity and mutual aid, as well as consciously approaching and dismantling forms of discrimination.
More Information:
Fight for Climate Justice!
The consumption of fossil fuels is further increasing on a global scale and has caused 2016 to be the warmest year since the beginning of systematic measurements. According to experts in 2017 a total of 37 billion tons of carbon dioxide was emitted into the atmosphere by the exploitation of oil, coal and gas. 70% of global energy production is still based on the combustion of these resources.
The anarchist summer camp is a collaboratively created camp, which should enable people, who pursue lived anarchy, to come together, exchange with each other and reflect about developments within the movement.
It is an experimental site, which joins self-determined, antiauthoritarian theory and practice and creates the opportunity to build networks of solidarity and mutual aid, as well as consciously approaching and dismantling forms of discrimination.
More Information:
Fight for Climate Justice!
The consumption of fossil fuels is further increasing on a global scale and has caused 2016 to be the warmest year since the beginning of systematic measurements. According to experts in 2017 a total of 37 billion tons of carbon dioxide was emitted into the atmosphere by the exploitation of oil, coal and gas. 70% of global energy production is still based on the combustion of these resources.
The anarchist summer camp is a collaboratively created camp, which should enable people, who pursue lived anarchy, to come together, exchange with each other and reflect about developments within the movement.
It is an experimental site, which joins self-determined, antiauthoritarian theory and practice and creates the opportunity to build networks of solidarity and mutual aid, as well as consciously approaching and dismantling forms of discrimination.
More Information:
Fight for Climate Justice!
The consumption of fossil fuels is further increasing on a global scale and has caused 2016 to be the warmest year since the beginning of systematic measurements. According to experts in 2017 a total of 37 billion tons of carbon dioxide was emitted into the atmosphere by the exploitation of oil, coal and gas. 70% of global energy production is still based on the combustion of these resources.
Het Domela Nieuwenhuisstandbeeld, vlakbij het Westerpark, werd in 1931 opgericht; de onthulling trok tienduizenden mensen. Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis (1846-1919) werd na zijn parlementaire carrière anarchist en werd op handen gedragen door de socialistische en anarchistische beweging. Toch staat zijn standbeeld nu op een plek waar veel mensen er zomaar voorbij lopen.
Om de herinnering aan de grootvader van onze prachtige ideologie levend te houden, gaan we picknicken bij het standbeeld om zijn strijd en de onze kracht bij te zetten.
Kom ook!Wij zullen er zijn!
The anarchist summer camp is a collaboratively created camp, which should enable people, who pursue lived anarchy, to come together, exchange with each other and reflect about developments within the movement.
It is an experimental site, which joins self-determined, antiauthoritarian theory and practice and creates the opportunity to build networks of solidarity and mutual aid, as well as consciously approaching and dismantling forms of discrimination.
More Information:
Fight for Climate Justice!
The consumption of fossil fuels is further increasing on a global scale and has caused 2016 to be the warmest year since the beginning of systematic measurements. According to experts in 2017 a total of 37 billion tons of carbon dioxide was emitted into the atmosphere by the exploitation of oil, coal and gas. 70% of global energy production is still based on the combustion of these resources.
The building we choosed to host the RTF assembly is a big hangar but for the moment there is no heathing and no insulation and the roof of one of the dormitories has to be fixed.
We would like to invite you from the 6th to the 12th of august to help us doing this works, we're defenetly looking for skilled people (we're not so good with stoves and roofs...) but also for anyone wishing to help and spend some time with us.
What do you think? If you re interested in coming, send us an email, the adress is:
Thanks in advance and hope to see you soon!
The anarchist summer camp is a collaboratively created camp, which should enable people, who pursue lived anarchy, to come together, exchange with each other and reflect about developments within the movement.
It is an experimental site, which joins self-determined, antiauthoritarian theory and practice and creates the opportunity to build networks of solidarity and mutual aid, as well as consciously approaching and dismantling forms of discrimination.
More Information:
Fight for Climate Justice!
The consumption of fossil fuels is further increasing on a global scale and has caused 2016 to be the warmest year since the beginning of systematic measurements. According to experts in 2017 a total of 37 billion tons of carbon dioxide was emitted into the atmosphere by the exploitation of oil, coal and gas. 70% of global energy production is still based on the combustion of these resources.
The building we choosed to host the RTF assembly is a big hangar but for the moment there is no heathing and no insulation and the roof of one of the dormitories has to be fixed.
We would like to invite you from the 6th to the 12th of august to help us doing this works, we're defenetly looking for skilled people (we're not so good with stoves and roofs...) but also for anyone wishing to help and spend some time with us.
What do you think? If you re interested in coming, send us an email, the adress is:
Thanks in advance and hope to see you soon!
The anarchist summer camp is a collaboratively created camp, which should enable people, who pursue lived anarchy, to come together, exchange with each other and reflect about developments within the movement.
It is an experimental site, which joins self-determined, antiauthoritarian theory and practice and creates the opportunity to build networks of solidarity and mutual aid, as well as consciously approaching and dismantling forms of discrimination.
More Information:
Fight for Climate Justice!
The consumption of fossil fuels is further increasing on a global scale and has caused 2016 to be the warmest year since the beginning of systematic measurements. According to experts in 2017 a total of 37 billion tons of carbon dioxide was emitted into the atmosphere by the exploitation of oil, coal and gas. 70% of global energy production is still based on the combustion of these resources.
The building we choosed to host the RTF assembly is a big hangar but for the moment there is no heathing and no insulation and the roof of one of the dormitories has to be fixed.
We would like to invite you from the 6th to the 12th of august to help us doing this works, we're defenetly looking for skilled people (we're not so good with stoves and roofs...) but also for anyone wishing to help and spend some time with us.
What do you think? If you re interested in coming, send us an email, the adress is:
Thanks in advance and hope to see you soon!
More Information:
Fight for Climate Justice!
The consumption of fossil fuels is further increasing on a global scale and has caused 2016 to be the warmest year since the beginning of systematic measurements. According to experts in 2017 a total of 37 billion tons of carbon dioxide was emitted into the atmosphere by the exploitation of oil, coal and gas. 70% of global energy production is still based on the combustion of these resources.
The building we choosed to host the RTF assembly is a big hangar but for the moment there is no heathing and no insulation and the roof of one of the dormitories has to be fixed.
We would like to invite you from the 6th to the 12th of august to help us doing this works, we're defenetly looking for skilled people (we're not so good with stoves and roofs...) but also for anyone wishing to help and spend some time with us.
What do you think? If you re interested in coming, send us an email, the adress is:
Thanks in advance and hope to see you soon!
More Information:
Fight for Climate Justice!
The consumption of fossil fuels is further increasing on a global scale and has caused 2016 to be the warmest year since the beginning of systematic measurements. According to experts in 2017 a total of 37 billion tons of carbon dioxide was emitted into the atmosphere by the exploitation of oil, coal and gas. 70% of global energy production is still based on the combustion of these resources.
The building we choosed to host the RTF assembly is a big hangar but for the moment there is no heathing and no insulation and the roof of one of the dormitories has to be fixed.
We would like to invite you from the 6th to the 12th of august to help us doing this works, we're defenetly looking for skilled people (we're not so good with stoves and roofs...) but also for anyone wishing to help and spend some time with us.
What do you think? If you re interested in coming, send us an email, the adress is:
Thanks in advance and hope to see you soon!
Het weekend, politieke zomerdagen van de Vrije Bond, start op de
vrijdagmiddag -10.08- met een inloop. Le Sabot zal een veganistische
maaltijd verzorgen. s Avonds zal een film (Ken Loach) worden vertoond in de grote
De zaterdag -11.08- zal starten met ontbijt waarna er er een workshop
zal zijn over het huidige migratie beleid en het verzet daartegen
(o.m met medewerking van Stop The War On Migrants, AAGU en het No Border Netwerk).
Een mogeljk onderwerp wat aan de orde kan komen is het organiseren van een
No Border Camp (internationaal) in 2019 in Nederland/Belgie.
Europese landen verhinderen schepen met geredde drenkelingen om in een veilige haven af te meren. Reddingsschepen mogen zelfs niet eens meer uitvaren.
Nederlandse vlag
Bijna dagelijks verdrinken er mensen in de Middellandse Zee. Hoewel het aantal mensen dat via deze route naar Europa probeert te komen aanzienlijk is gedaald, neemt het aantal sterfgevallen juist toe. Dat komt doordat de Europese Unie deze vluchtelingen en migranten de rug toekeert.
[English below]
Bijna dagelijks verdrinken er mensen in de Middellandse Zee. Hoewel het aantal mensen dat via deze route naar Europa probeert te komen aanzienlijk is gedaald, neemt het aantal sterfgevallen juist toe. Dat komt doordat de Europese Unie deze vluchtelingen en migranten de rug toekeert.
Dagelijks verdrinken er vluchtelingen in de Middellandse Zee. Europa keert bootvluchtelingen steeds verder de rug toe onder het toeziend oog van de Brusselse politiek. De huidige situatie op de middellandse zee is erbarmelijk en staat lijnrecht tegenover de universele humanitaire waarden. Migratie is en heeft altijd deel uitgemaakt van onze samenleving! Eeuwenlange migratie heeft Europa gevormd tot wat het is. In plaats van grenzen te sluiten, hebben we een Europa nodig dat open is, steden die solidair zijn en havens die veilig zijn.
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More Information:
Fight for Climate Justice!
The consumption of fossil fuels is further increasing on a global scale and has caused 2016 to be the warmest year since the beginning of systematic measurements. According to experts in 2017 a total of 37 billion tons of carbon dioxide was emitted into the atmosphere by the exploitation of oil, coal and gas. 70% of global energy production is still based on the combustion of these resources.
The building we choosed to host the RTF assembly is a big hangar but for the moment there is no heathing and no insulation and the roof of one of the dormitories has to be fixed.
We would like to invite you from the 6th to the 12th of august to help us doing this works, we're defenetly looking for skilled people (we're not so good with stoves and roofs...) but also for anyone wishing to help and spend some time with us.
What do you think? If you re interested in coming, send us an email, the adress is:
Thanks in advance and hope to see you soon!
Het weekend, politieke zomerdagen van de Vrije Bond, start op de
vrijdagmiddag -10.08- met een inloop. Le Sabot zal een veganistische
maaltijd verzorgen. s Avonds zal een film (Ken Loach) worden vertoond in de grote
De zaterdag -11.08- zal starten met ontbijt waarna er er een workshop
zal zijn over het huidige migratie beleid en het verzet daartegen
(o.m met medewerking van Stop The War On Migrants, AAGU en het No Border Netwerk).
Een mogeljk onderwerp wat aan de orde kan komen is het organiseren van een
No Border Camp (internationaal) in 2019 in Nederland/Belgie.
Als wij het niet zelf doen, draait de staat de gaskraan pas over 12 jaar dicht. Weer worden afspraken gebroken, weer moeten gedupeerden van de gasbevingen wachten. Nog steeds worden klimaatrechtvaardige oplossingen vooruit geschoven.
De noodzaak voor burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid in Groningen wordt steeds duidelijker. Code Rood organiseert daarom een training in strategische burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid. Voor iedereen die vindt dat het tijd is om een stap verder te gaan in de strijd tegen de plunderingen door NAM, Shell, Exxon en de staat.
More Information:
Fight for Climate Justice!
The consumption of fossil fuels is further increasing on a global scale and has caused 2016 to be the warmest year since the beginning of systematic measurements. According to experts in 2017 a total of 37 billion tons of carbon dioxide was emitted into the atmosphere by the exploitation of oil, coal and gas. 70% of global energy production is still based on the combustion of these resources.
The building we choosed to host the RTF assembly is a big hangar but for the moment there is no heathing and no insulation and the roof of one of the dormitories has to be fixed.
We would like to invite you from the 6th to the 12th of august to help us doing this works, we're defenetly looking for skilled people (we're not so good with stoves and roofs...) but also for anyone wishing to help and spend some time with us.
What do you think? If you re interested in coming, send us an email, the adress is:
Thanks in advance and hope to see you soon!
Het weekend, politieke zomerdagen van de Vrije Bond, start op de
vrijdagmiddag -10.08- met een inloop. Le Sabot zal een veganistische
maaltijd verzorgen. s Avonds zal een film (Ken Loach) worden vertoond in de grote
De zaterdag -11.08- zal starten met ontbijt waarna er er een workshop
zal zijn over het huidige migratie beleid en het verzet daartegen
(o.m met medewerking van Stop The War On Migrants, AAGU en het No Border Netwerk).
Een mogeljk onderwerp wat aan de orde kan komen is het organiseren van een
No Border Camp (internationaal) in 2019 in Nederland/Belgie.
More Information:
Fight for Climate Justice!
The consumption of fossil fuels is further increasing on a global scale and has caused 2016 to be the warmest year since the beginning of systematic measurements. According to experts in 2017 a total of 37 billion tons of carbon dioxide was emitted into the atmosphere by the exploitation of oil, coal and gas. 70% of global energy production is still based on the combustion of these resources.
The time is right for the very first meeting of Spoons - a grassroots support group and learning space for emotional health!
Life piles more and more stresses on us, while society discourages us from talking about it, and the psychiatric establishment is disappointing and infuriating with the short-sighted and unaffordable "solutions" that it offers. We can do better!
The population of the area of Groningen have been battling against the Nam, a joint Shell/ExxonMobil project, since the early 1960's. The Nam's gas extraction from the biggest gas field in Europe is causing earthquakes at an unprecedented rate.
De noodzaak voor burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid was nooit duidelijker dan in Groningen. Weer worden afspraken gebroken, weer moeten gedupeerden wachten. Als we niet in actie komen gaat de gaskraan pas over 12 jaar dicht. Dat is veel te laat voor Groningen en voor het klimaat. Code Rood organiseert daarom een training in strategische vreedzame burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid. Voor iedereen die ook vindt dat de tijd voor symbolisch protest achter ons ligt.
De training is er voor iedereen die in actie wil komen. En voor iedereen die op 28 augustus mee doet aan de grote meerdaagse zitblokkade voor de deur van de NAM aardgascondensaat opslag in Delfzijl.
Burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid doe je niet zomaar en elke dag. Daarom organiseren we samen met Stroomversnellers een training om goed voorbereid te zijn. En ook om mensen de kans te geven te ontdekken of ze mee willen doen op 28 augustus.
The population of the area of Groningen have been battling against the Nam, a joint Shell/ExxonMobil project, since the early 1960's. The Nam's gas extraction from the biggest gas field in Europe is causing earthquakes at an unprecedented rate.
De noodzaak voor burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid was nooit duidelijker dan in Groningen. Weer worden afspraken gebroken, weer moeten gedupeerden wachten. Als we niet in actie komen gaat de gaskraan pas over 12 jaar dicht. Dat is veel te laat voor Groningen en voor het klimaat. Code Rood organiseert daarom een training in strategische vreedzame burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid. Voor iedereen die ook vindt dat de tijd voor symbolisch protest achter ons ligt.
The population of the area of Groningen have been battling against the Nam, a joint Shell/ExxonMobil project, since the early 1960's. The Nam's gas extraction from the biggest gas field in Europe is causing earthquakes at an unprecedented rate.
Hierbij nodigen "De Vrienden van Kerwin" u uit om deel te nemen aan de herdenking van Kerwin Duinmeijer, morgen om 18 uur op de dam.
Op 20 augustus zal het 35 jaar geleden zijn dat Kerwin Duinmeijer is vermoord door een neo nazi vanwege de kleur van zijn huid. Kerwin was 15 jaar toen hij van zijn leven beroofd werd. Deze brute moord wordt ook genoemd als de eerste racistische moord na de 2e wereld oorlog.
De herdenking zal plaats vinden op maandag 20 augustus om 18:00 uur op de dam. Met toespraken van o.a. Jerry King Luther Afriyie en Rutger Groot Wassink.
The population of the area of Groningen have been battling against the Nam, a joint Shell/ExxonMobil project, since the early 1960's. The Nam's gas extraction from the biggest gas field in Europe is causing earthquakes at an unprecedented rate.
The population of the area of Groningen have been battling against the Nam, a joint Shell/ExxonMobil project, since the early 1960's. The Nam's gas extraction from the biggest gas field in Europe is causing earthquakes at an unprecedented rate.
The population of the area of Groningen have been battling against the Nam, a joint Shell/ExxonMobil project, since the early 1960's. The Nam's gas extraction from the biggest gas field in Europe is causing earthquakes at an unprecedented rate.
An Intergalactic week on the zad.
August 27 to September 2, 2018
An Intergalactic week on the zad.
August 27 to September 2, 2018
An Intergalactic week on the zad.
August 27 to September 2, 2018
Come join us at Vrankrijk, Wednesday September 29th, for a benefit dinner to support the Action Camp at Lutkemeer Polder. Vrankrijk will be hosting this benefit as part of the weekly "WTF Queer Voku" (People's Kitchen) and "WTF Queer Bar Night".
To start the evening we will enjoy a delicious vegan dinner. We'll also take a bit of time to explain what's happening in the Lutkemeer Polder and at the Boterbloem Boerderij, how you can get involved, and what we plan to accomplish! Afterwards we'll have some sweet live music to dance the evening away to!
An Intergalactic week on the zad.
August 27 to September 2, 2018
An Intergalactic week on the zad.
August 27 to September 2, 2018
An Intergalactic week on the zad.
August 27 to September 2, 2018
The documentary Noise and Resistance follows the European DIY punk music scene. The directors enter the centres of a vivid and vibrant, a rebellious and self-conscious scene, and interviews squatters in Barcelona, anti-fascists in Moscow, Dutch trade unionists, the activists of England's Crass collective, queer trailer park inhabitants in Berlin and Swedish girl punk bands.
Afterwards the Amsterdam based international squatting d.i.y. metal punk band Diesel Breath will perform!