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Start:23/07/2012 09:00
Sluit je aan bij dit protest en maak de Hoge Raad duidelijk dat het onaanvaardbaar is dat deze nucleaire genocide goedkeurt! We hebben spandoeken en flyers om uit te delen aan voorbijgangers en medewerkers van de rechtbank. Ook zullen we diverse visueel uitdagende acties ontplooien. In 1996 bepaalde het hoogste rechtscollege ter wereld, het Internationaal Gerechtshof, dat het gebruik van en dreigen met kernwapens in principe illegaal is. Toch blijven Nederlandse rechters kernwapengebruik tegen burgers stelselmatig goedkeuren. | 24
Start:24/07/2012 18:53
All the MKZ tuesdays of the coming month will be in benefit of the juridical costs which anarchists in Thessaloniki are facing. Coming Tuesday the 10th is the kick of. The other dates are 17, 24 and 31 of july. “On July 2nd, 2012, an extensive police operation was launched across the city of Thessaloniki, with raids in two squats, house searches and massive preemptive detentions (people were caught even in their private residences, and on several streets, and after few hours were released from police departments), as well as arrests. There are reportedly 25 arrestees. | 25
Start:25/07/2012 07:57
Notebook bilgisayar mı, masaüstü bilgisayar mı? Aynı özelliklere notebook yedek parça sahip masaüstü ve notebook bilgisayarlar arasında genellikle kayda değer bir fiyat farkı vardır. Notebook bilgisayarlar aynı işlemleri, daha hafif, daha az elektrik tüketen ve hacim olarak daha küçük parçalarla yaptıkları için masaüstü bilgisayarlardan daha pahalıdırlar. Eğer bilgisayara Notebook yedek parça gereksinim duyduğunuz zamanlarda yeriniz sabitse, notebook bilgisayar almanız uygun olmayabilir. | 26
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Start:28/07/2012 14:00
Al jarenlang waren er buurtbewoners geïnspireerd door dat eenzame, vervallen Dierenasiel gebouw middenin die uitgestrekte zandvlakte. Buurtbewoners en organisaties vroegen of het mogelijk was daar iets te doen maar als het al lukte om iemand aan de lijn te krijgen was het antwoord was altijd ‘njet’. Dat zou de ontwikkeling maar in de weg zitten. Dat er uberhaupt geen ontwikkeling plaatsvond konden de ambtenaren vanuit het stadsdeelkantoor blijkbaar niet zien. | 29
Start:29/07/2012 16:41
Our solidarity must be the continuation of the struggle that triggered the repression. We have been in touch with some of those receiving the subpoenas and while some of them will chose to do different things, some of those who have been subpoenaed have vowed to remain totally non-cooperating through out this whole procedure, no matter what. |