Yes thats right we AnonymousTheHague could not control this! Even the Occupiers who called the police several times for this.
They refused to help the Occupiers to stop the horrible state of the Occupy Camp The Hague Malieveld!
The Occupiers had set up there camp set since 15th oktober 2011 on the Malieveld The Hague
We believe that the person who caused the eviction was sent by the police or AIVD!!
We Are AnonymousTheHague! Expect Us!
Brute force used on Occupy Camp The Hague
Yes thats right we AnonymousTheHague could not control this! Even the Occupiers who called the police several times for this.
They refused to help the Occupiers to stop the horrible state of the Occupy Camp The Hague Malieveld!
The Occupiers had set up there camp set since 15th oktober 2011 on the Malieveld The Hague
We believe that the person who caused the eviction was sent by the police or AIVD!!
We Are AnonymousTheHague! Expect Us!