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Black Bloc? Really?

If you are really Anarchists and call yourself Black Bloc, you have basically hijacked the Student Protest. You are not even actual students.
How low have you fallen since your glory days as protection and activist detail during the Eurotop protests since the 90's.
You have understood nothing about the struggle. You are, what many of us in the Old Guard call, severely misguided.

Claiming to be Anarchists but when asked about Anarchism you cannot even name one Anarchic theory let alone know what it all stands and stood
for since the late 19th century. Talking about severely damaging a movement. You just did.

How clever. Destroying simple and completely unimportant material things here. Which does not at all matter because the destruction in Gaza itself is a thousand times worse. Why not show some real bravery and travel to Gaza to actually fight against the IDF? Several actual Anarchists and Antifascists fought with bravery against D'aesh! But no, that is stuff you cannot handle because that is a real war situation. You are more comfortable destroying some university computers, painting some walls with environmentally unfriendly spray-paints from a can and then trying to win a battle against the Riot Police which utterly failed because you forgot the one thing, the most important one, why Black Bloc was founded in the first place.
TO PROTECT THE PROTESTERS AGAINST THE RIOT POLICE, NEONAZIS, HOOLIGANS. And what is this press shyness? The Old Guard jumped at the possibility to get their message across. But what we have seen (edited or not) were GenZ semi-masked kiddos who spouted absolute and complete erratic nonsense. Where were your spokespeople without the masks? Are you afraid the Dutch secret service/Political intelligence services might arrest you for speaking your mind? Do not make me laugh. They have better things to do.

Next time, write a real manifest, have proper spokespeople in place, protect the protesters and if you at all need to destroy stuff, do it with an actual plan.
SABOTAGE with a clear Political goal. What you did at the university does not hurt the institution as such one bit. They have millions and millions of Euros in the bank. They could not care less about a few computers or chairs or a wall that needs repainting. Sure, they make it out to be in the very biased media but they do. not. care!

So, stop being so extremely annoyingly amateurish please and quit damaging the movement we spent blood sweat and tears for on the barricades during the 80's, 90's and early to mid 2000's. And yes, you may call me ageist. We at least knew what we were actually doing and made a substantial difference.
So far, you have not.


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