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People like you, and the guy who slaughtered those DPIs are the scum of the earth.
I hope he and you will get shot, pissed upon and then hung upside down for the education of the your predecessor, Mussolini.
Not every refugee is a refugee, some are just sick bastards profiting from our system.
Yeah, and i work in a centre myself, so i do have some right to speak here
Disgusting. And this whole thing is doing NOTHING for those who are really in need. Think about it you dipstick.
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People like you, and the guy who slaughtered those DPIs are the scum of the earth.
I hope he and you will get shot, pissed upon and then hung upside down for the education of the your predecessor, Mussolini.
Not every refugee is a refugee, some are just sick bastards profiting from our system.
Yeah, and i work in a centre myself, so i do have some right to speak here
Disgusting. And this whole thing is doing NOTHING for those who are really in need. Think about it you dipstick.