Nou nee, want in de context van de hele burgeroorlog waren die er nauwelijks. Wel lezen wat er staat: "For most of the Syrian civil war, there has been a non-aggression pact between the military of Syria and the Syrian Democratic Forces, with occasional confrontations and some cooperation against Islamist groups, in particular against the Turkish Armed Forces and the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army." Terwijl het hele land in opstand is tegen het dictatoriale regime, sluiten die lui een non-agressie pact? Wat is dat voor "revolutie"?
Nou nee, want in de context
Nou nee, want in de context van de hele burgeroorlog waren die er nauwelijks. Wel lezen wat er staat: "For most of the Syrian civil war, there has been a non-aggression pact between the military of Syria and the Syrian Democratic Forces, with occasional confrontations and some cooperation against Islamist groups, in particular against the Turkish Armed Forces and the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army." Terwijl het hele land in opstand is tegen het dictatoriale regime, sluiten die lui een non-agressie pact? Wat is dat voor "revolutie"?