In capitalist narratives, valuable assets are regularly refered to as 'properties' (e.g. houses). It's one of the many capitalist ways of actually appropriating such assets. This does not actually change the very nature of such assets (e.g houses are still really useful as home and shelter)
So smashing up everything the capitalist propaganda machine labels 'property' does not really harm the idea of property but factually destroys valuable assets that rather need to be _liberated from private appropriation_, not destroyed (e.g. houses left empty and labeled 'property' in order to speculate with them should be squatted , not burned to the ground).
Smash windows to liberate goods, not 'for fun'! The fun part is the (free)dinner party you might want to have with friends and neighbours afterwards!
Re: Smashing Nijmegen
In capitalist narratives, valuable assets are regularly refered to as 'properties' (e.g. houses). It's one of the many capitalist ways of actually appropriating such assets. This does not actually change the very nature of such assets (e.g houses are still really useful as home and shelter)
So smashing up everything the capitalist propaganda machine labels 'property' does not really harm the idea of property but factually destroys valuable assets that rather need to be _liberated from private appropriation_, not destroyed (e.g. houses left empty and labeled 'property' in order to speculate with them should be squatted , not burned to the ground).
Smash windows to liberate goods, not 'for fun'! The fun part is the (free)dinner party you might want to have with friends and neighbours afterwards!