I made a translation of the statutes so everyone will know what they are talking about. There is no mention of the word collective in the statutes or of consensus decision making.
I have this on a different computer but I will post it so everyone can read them.
Maybe it's nice if the discussions are not taking place online but take place face to face. I found out it really helps and in that way we can be more constructive about solving these problems.
See you all the sixth of januari.
I made a translation of the
I made a translation of the statutes so everyone will know what they are talking about. There is no mention of the word collective in the statutes or of consensus decision making.
I have this on a different computer but I will post it so everyone can read them.
Maybe it's nice if the discussions are not taking place online but take place face to face. I found out it really helps and in that way we can be more constructive about solving these problems.
See you all the sixth of januari.