this is the horrific story of badger102 a symbol of the cruel deaths in the badgercull and the story of the real bravery and heroic acts of those agains tthe cull. In a weird twist the shooter reported this to police saying he was threatened with sticks; When this article became known yesterday; defra after hundreds of tweets saying all badgers had been killed cleanly in the cull; had nowhere to hide and then finally admitted in tweets that this was one of their cull badgers - this 100% proves the badgercull is inhumane as badger102 died horrific painful death with its guts hanging out - but defra and the government wont stop the cull -even though the main criteria for the cull was 'testing the assumption that free shooting of badgers was humane; If this is humane I'd hate to see their definition of inhumane. In my mind if not before; that makes the Govt and Defra negligent and guilty of wildlife crime on a massive scale. how many badgers have suffered similar horrific deaths and crawled away to die -the horror just goes on and for zero testing of bovine tb in dead badgers - shame on the govt undoing all the work that wildlife charities have spent decades on
this is the horrific story of
this is the horrific story of badger102 a symbol of the cruel deaths in the badgercull and the story of the real bravery and heroic acts of those agains tthe cull. In a weird twist the shooter reported this to police saying he was threatened with sticks; When this article became known yesterday; defra after hundreds of tweets saying all badgers had been killed cleanly in the cull; had nowhere to hide and then finally admitted in tweets that this was one of their cull badgers - this 100% proves the badgercull is inhumane as badger102 died horrific painful death with its guts hanging out - but defra and the government wont stop the cull -even though the main criteria for the cull was 'testing the assumption that free shooting of badgers was humane; If this is humane I'd hate to see their definition of inhumane. In my mind if not before; that makes the Govt and Defra negligent and guilty of wildlife crime on a massive scale. how many badgers have suffered similar horrific deaths and crawled away to die -the horror just goes on and for zero testing of bovine tb in dead badgers - shame on the govt undoing all the work that wildlife charities have spent decades on