Aangaande misbruik van anti-terrorismewetgeving & juridische implicaties daarvan (om maar te zwijgen van algeheel absurdisme) is dit het (secuur) lezen waard:
"New York's top court highlights the meaninglessness and menace of the term 'terrorism.' A fascinating new ruling unwittingly illustrates the separate system of 'justice' invented for Muslims in the US after 9/11," Glenn Greenwald, The Guardian, Sunday 16 December 2012, http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/dec/16/court-terrorism-mora... .
Aangaande misbruik van anti-terrorismewetgeving & juridische implicaties daarvan (om maar te zwijgen van algeheel absurdisme) is dit het (secuur) lezen waard:
"New York's top court highlights the meaninglessness and menace of the term 'terrorism.' A fascinating new ruling unwittingly illustrates the separate system of 'justice' invented for Muslims in the US after 9/11," Glenn Greenwald, The Guardian, Sunday 16 December 2012, http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/dec/16/court-terrorism-mora... .