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USA Detroit workers denounce water shutoffs

Ruis, gepost door: nn op 02/04/2014 04:12:43 - 0 aanvullingen

Last week, the city of Detroit announced an aggressive campaign of water shutoffs targeting
some 150,000 residents who are behind on their payments.
The city plans to disconnect water service to thousands of structures per week.
These measures are aimed at making the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD)
a more attractive investment in anticipation of privatization. Lees meer...

ADAM: Stadsnomaden ontruimd

Ruis, gepost door: nn op 01/04/2014 04:06:25 - 2 aanvullingen

Wanneer: 01/04/2014 - 17:37

Woensdag 2 april ontruimt de Amsterdamse politie een groep stadsnomaden. Lees meer...

Over Paarlberg

Ruis, gepost door: nn-db op 31/03/2014 03:10:24 - 0 aanvullingen

Over Paarlberg. Lees meer...

GADVER! Rick nieman omringd door krakers

Ruis, gepost door: nn op 28/03/2014 03:12:40 - 2 aanvullingen

Wanneer: 28/03/2014 - 11:53

* Lees meer...

79 Religious and Development Institutions Join SCOTUS Filing in Argentina/NML Capital Case

Ruis, gepost door: Arielle Retrosi op 27/03/2014 03:04:53 - 0 aanvullingen

Wanneer: 27/03/2014 - 16:05

Jubilee USA Network, a religious anti-poverty coalition, along with 78 other religious and development groups filed with the US Supreme Court in the case between Argentina and NML Capital. The Amicus Curiae brief takes the side of Argentina because the precedent of the case impacts predatory behavior on vulnerable populations. The friend-of-the-court brief argues that the case will have a detrimental impact on the poor, undo bipartisan United States debt policy and cause global financial instability. Lees meer...

Verloren verkiezingen, het zuur en het gif

Ruis, gepost door: nn op 25/03/2014 03:07:01 - 0 aanvullingen

Niet zozeer de toespraak van PVV-leider Wilders over ‘minder Marokkanen’ leidde tot maatschappelijk onbehagen, maar de hetze die de media en politiek de afgelopen dagen tegen hem voerden Lees meer...

Verloren verkiezingen, het zuur en het gif

Ruis, gepost door: nn op 25/03/2014 03:04:05 - 0 aanvullingen

Wanneer: 25/03/2014 - 16:29

Niet zozeer de toespraak van PVV-leider Wilders over ‘minder Marokkanen’ leidde tot maatschappelijk onbehagen, maar de hetze die de media en politiek de afgelopen dagen tegen hem voerden. Lees meer...

Svoboda thugs attack head of Ukrainian national television

Ruis, gepost door: nn op 21/03/2014 03:06:33 - 0 aanvullingen

Wanneer: 21/03/2014 - 06:48

A shocking video on YouTube shows the reign of terror fascist thugs are unleashing
in the streets of Kiev following last month’s Western-backed putsch.

When Panteleymonov replies, “I am not a Muscovite, I am a Ukrainian,” they hit him again and yell:
“You are Ukrainian? You are a piece of shit, not a Ukrainian. You fucking dirtbag. You are a traitor.”

Artikel: Lees meer...

Journal anonymous

Ruis, gepost door: El Tigre op 16/03/2014 03:01:41 - 2 aanvullingen

Wanneer: 16/03/2014 - 13:39

Ongeval of Moord ? Lees meer...

Ukraine; democracy takeaway

Ruis, gepost door: nn op 15/03/2014 03:11:07 - 0 aanvullingen

Wanneer: 15/03/2014 - 11:11

Ukrainian Maidan, among others, hailed the democratic uprising in Europe is partly the effect of external forces, including the U.S.. Is an example that if Washington can not send the Marines, reaches more subtle policy, officially called the "promotion of active citizenship" and thus indirectly destabilizing the situation in the uncomfortable states. In the battle for spheres of influence in Ukraine pawns in Washington are not armored divisions, but non-governmental organizations. Lees meer...

Indymedia and reliability: a paradox or an obvious combination?

Ruis, gepost door: nn op 14/03/2014 03:08:31 - 0 aanvullingen

Indymedia is an anonymous source of information. How do you, as a user, know whether the articles you read are reliable? Lees meer...

Vvd plakt neo nazi teksten om Links Nederland te beschuldigen.

Ruis, gepost door: nescio nomen op 14/03/2014 03:02:00 - 3 aanvullingen

Wanneer: 14/03/2014 - 14:50

De vvd plakt posters met omstreden teksten om zo compromitterende beschuldigen te kunnen uiten naar linkse aktiegroepen. Lees meer...

HIV-Negative AIDS: is it CFS, ME, GWS, or AIDS?

Ruis, gepost door: lemonfoundation op 12/03/2014 03:09:01 - 0 aanvullingen

Wanneer: 12/03/2014 - 09:27

Allied NATO Government is hiding millions of infectious NON HIV AIDS cases (like mine) under the "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)" ICD-code. Lees meer...

awareness people in ACU

Ruis, gepost door: vera op 11/03/2014 03:10:08 - 0 aanvullingen

oh my god! Lees meer...

Hitler on Utrechtse grafiti.

Ruis, gepost door: VegAnarchist op 08/03/2014 03:06:27 - 6 aanvullingen

Wanneer: 08/03/2014 - 17:52

In the city of Utrecht can be observed more and more neo-Nazi symbols. Lees meer...

Vervalser gepakt

Ruis, gepost door: comite Zwarte December op 08/03/2014 03:12:48 - 1 aanvulling

Wanneer: 08/03/2014 - 11:55

Het comite Zwarte December heeft de vervalser van de 'ik ben okay'-penning weten op te sporen. De 83-jarige anarchist uit Frankrijk spande samen met een 30-jarige man uit Amsterdam. Beide worden momenteel vastgehouden achter een valse wand in een romney-loods op de Heining in Amsterdam. Lees meer...

Global turn-around: to persuade Western Powers to adopt 'bottom-up' ethical human rights.

Ruis, gepost door: Anthony Ravlich op 05/03/2014 03:06:45 - 1 aanvulling

Wanneer: 05/03/2014 - 18:26

Major Western Powers invited to New Zealand gives oportunity to adovate a global 'turn-around' by adopting 'bottom-up' emphasis of global ethical human rights (developed in NZ) to replace 'near absolute', 'top-down' control of 'neoiberal absolutism'. Lees meer...

Interview with Jose Maria Sison

Ruis, gepost door: New Culture Magazine op 04/03/2014 03:08:10 - 1 aanvulling

Wanneer: 04/03/2014 - 07:55

Interview with Jose Maria Sison, Founding Chairman, Communist Party of the Philippines
by New Culture Magazine, Communist Reconstruction Union of Brazil Lees meer...

Do you want to know what Angela Merkel tells Yanukovych to make him resigned.

Ruis, gepost door: VegAnarchist op 21/02/2014 02:11:08 - 2 aanvullingen

Wanneer: 21/02/2014 - 22:43

Angela Merkel with Yanukovych prezydent of Ukraine about his resignation. Lees meer...

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