Wanneer: 14/06/2020 - 21:04
On Decembrer 5th, 2016, a tale on suicide was sent to a person being targeted by an international criminal organization (the person was living in Utrecht at the time).
When this person finally resolved to press criminal charges against the organization (February 1st, 2019, this time in Italy), a lawyer called him quoting him a sentence from the tale, "jumping from the 5th floor."
On Decembrer 5th, 2016, a tale on suicide was sent to a person being targeted by an international criminal organization (the person was living in Utrecht at the time).
When this person finally resolved to press criminal charges against the organization (February 1st, 2019, this time in Italy), a lawyer called him quoting him a sentence from the tale, "jumping from the 5th floor." (The lawyer was not supposed to be aware of the charges or the tale).
Shortly after (Feb. 4th, 2019), three police officers stopped the person at the Livorno train station, and told him that the Camorra (Italian Mafia-type organized crime syndicate) had put a bounty on the head of "a dog".
Copy the the tale on suicide: https://www.yumpu.com/it/document/view/63496003/pensieri-di-un-suicida
Recording of the lawyer quoting the suicide tale: https://youtu.be/wmsep7gV5nQ
Recorging of the police officers talling about the bounty: https://youtu.be/pIjwK0J-CVY
Recording of a social worker telling the victim to go in a dog shelter: https://youtu.be/8E_386VUo18
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