Wanneer: 12/12/2019 - 19:00
A SEED welcomes you once again to the monthly inter-campaign Climate Justice Voku meal and documentary debate in De Fabriek Volkskamer.
A SEED welcomes you once again to the monthly inter-campaign Climate Justice Voku meal and documentary debate in De Fabriek Volkskamer. From 6.30-7.30pm Code Rood has an information table for anyone wishing to engage with their Shell Must Fall campaign.
Delicious solidarity meals will be served from 7pm. Your generous contributions directly support grassroots gender empowerment initiative led by climate justice activists from the Global South.
At 8pm before just deserts we will screen a sequence of short documentaries relating to our new bi-monthly theme: Gender and Agriculture. Then space is open to critically reflect and debate around centrality of gender for climate and agriculture justice.
Some food for thought
In the global South women are responsible for 60 to 80% of agricultural production and the main custodians of knowledge. At the same time most women (80 to 90%) are structurally denied land ownership.
On a local-scale in Amsterdam, the majority of community food gardeners and farmers leading food system change identify as women and are denied opportunities for long-term land security and municipal support by urban planners and developers who are mostly men.