Waar: anarchistische bibliotheek - Bollox, Eerste Schinkelstraat 14 -16, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wanneer: 21/10/2019 - 18:00
AGA is hosting a book presentation / infotalk by Craig Lewis, a peer counsellor, punk and an author of three books on mental health.
Soup at 18:00 start of book presentation – 18.30
Lewis is touring Europe with his latest book, Punx in Recovery, sharing his personal experiences with mental health struggles in the diy / punk scene in US. Based on his own experience, Lewis discusses ways to deal with these issues in our communities.
Other books written by him include You’re Crazy – a book on first-hand accounts of people from the punk scene who live with mental health struggle, addiction and trauma, and Better Days – a mental health recovery workbook.
Soup (vegan) – 18.00
Infotalk / book presentation – 18.30
this event is organized by the:
Anarchist Group Amsterdam - Vrije Bond