Wanneer: 02/09/2019 - 13:48
Er is nog steeds niet ontruimd. Politie blijft volhouden dat ze het vandaag wel gaan doen. Mocht ze dat lukken (maar daar lijkt het nu niet op - we zijn veruit met meer-), dan verzamelen we vanavond om 17.30 voor een manifestatie bij de Stopera, zijde Zwanenburgwal.
Tot die tijd: kom vooral hierheen!
Kom naar de Lutkemeerpolder!!
Update van facebook, 15:00
(ALARM) We hebben de politie tot nu toe tegen gehouden, maar rond 15u45 komt er meer politie en gaan ze ontruimen, dus kom nu versterken!
We have until now held the police back, but at 15:45 more police will come to evict, so come and make us stronger!
eerste busjes platte petten gearriveerd. zeggen rond 15.45 te starten met ontruiming
Update van facebook, 15:40
Eviction starts now.
This is a diagrace and completely disgusting and unacceptable!!!
LET OP!!!!
manifestatie Stopera later ivm doorlopende ontruiming
houd berichtgeving in de gaten
Yesterday 6 people were arrested during the eviction of the action camp which was set up by action group Squash at the Tuinen van Lutkemeer. The project was set up to protect the Lutkemeerpolder from being destroyed for private profit.
Two of the people arrested locked on to structures on the field, one of them has been released already last night.
Four other people were arrested for refusing orders to leave the field. Of them one has been released.
One was arrested for demanding the police give him their badge number after pushing him into a ditch while he was trying to cross a bridge. The police informed him they would not give him the badge number and pushed him a second time into the ditch. When he stood up again and asked again for the badge number he was dragged to the ground and arrested while police kneeled on his back.
Of these four people none have been released and the lawyer has only an hour ago been able to make contact with them. Another illegal action since they were all arrested yesterday before 18:00.
Updates will be added onto this post throughout the day.
However, the rest of the group is not giving up the fight. LUTKEMEER BLIJFT
The four arrestees who stayed anonymous have now been put "inverzekeringstelling"; prolonged detention, which can last up to three days starting Tuesday morning.
Arrestees will be released today.
Demonstratie Lutkemeer | Wie repressie zaait, zal verzet oogsten
Vrijdag 6 september, 17:00 - 20:00 uur, De Dokwerker, Amsterdam