Wanneer: 13/06/2019 - 16:58
Please share Daniel Hoffinger's statement and video.
Dear all,
German energy utility RWE wants 50,000 euros from me because I have publicly said that in face of the climate crisis we have to take a stand for the coal exit with civil disobedience. Shortly before our next action this is of course a blatant attempt of intimidation, which will backfire. And it's highly dangerous. When companies control and punish the publicly spoken word the freedom of opinion is in danger.
What you can do now: attend an action training, form an affinity group, come to the Rhineland - we‘ll see us there, #JetztErstGrundRecht.
Otherwise there is a crowdfunding, where we collect 50,000 €. But of it not a cent goes to RWE! Instead, we are building a solidarity fund for (climate) activists who have fallen into distress, in order to emerge even stronger from this situation. Take a look here: https://www.betterplace.me/schuetzt-unsere-meinungsfreiheit-vor-rwe
Otherwise, you can sign this petition and show RWE your opinion: https://weact.campact.de/petitions/jetzt-erst-grundrecht-rwe-darf-kohlek...
Share our answer on social media:
You can find the video here to use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KP0Xgq05Htg
Many thanks to everyone who has helped me in this matter over the last few days. Solidarity is simply the coolest thing.
Remain dangerous