Wanneer: 26/02/2017 - 21:07
The person that was arrested last week on Saturday February 18th after the unannounced demonstration against police violence and repression in the Schilderswijk in Den Haag is still being held. Because this person is choosing to remain anonymous, the "justice" department is doing everything to put pressure on him.
Using the pretext that there was glue on his fingers, he has been charged with 'resisting arrest' and was transferred to the "Huis van Bewaring" (prison) in Alphen aan den Rijn, where he is still being held. The public prosecutor is now demanding a prison sentence of one month! The court case will take place on Wednesday March 1st, starting at 13.30 in the Paleis van Justitie, Prins Clauslaan 60, Den Haag.
There is a call-out to spread the message about this arrested comrade as far and wide as possible, and to come to court case on Wednesday. We will gather at 12.45 in front of the entrance.
For more information about the case see these messages on Indymedia:
Wilde demonstratie in de Schilderswijk tegen politiegeweld en repressie
Lawaaidemo bij bureau De Heemstraat voor arrestant wilde demo Schilderswijk
Arrestant spontaandemo overgebracht naar huis van bewaring, lawaaidemo gaat niet door
Solidariteitsactie arrestant Den Haag
Kameraad in isolatie geplaatst vanwege het niet kunnen nemen van vingerafdrukken
Noise demo voor NN'er Den Haag
40 mensen bij lawaaidemo voor NN’er die opgepakt werd in de Schilderswijk