Wanneer: 01/11/2016 - 14:47
Hey Friends,
Our comrades that got arrested at the squatting action in de Narvastraat, Zaandam last sunday still have had no vegan food except for some bread the first days and rice and beans last night. The police station does not allow us the bring any food. One person that came out yesterday said she only got 2 oranges over a 24 hour span, the cops said she should be gratefull.
We want to ask all of you to call them, complain and flood their telephone line with complaints, to make them aware we are watching, and to just make their day more annoying. The police land line is 09008844, say that you want to talk to policestation Zaandijk. The people are in cellnumber 13, 2, 7, 3
they are all anonymous! That means; NO NAMES NO STRUCTURES!
Cops facebook: https://www.facebook.com/politiezaanstreek/?fref=ts
Cops Twitter: https://twitter.com/POL_Zaanstreek
Be aware, if your calling or contacting the police do this as anonymous as possible. Do not let them interrogate you. Beware that you protect your identity.
Rochdale maakt panden in de Narvastraat "Onklaar".
Na de kraakacties in de Narvastraat heeft Rochdale besloten om de andere leegstaande panden in de buurt uit te slopen en doet een poging tot het onbewoonbaar maken van de woningen. Ondanks dat er nog mensen kunnen wonen tot dat ze beginnen met de sloop en er genoeg mensen zijn in dezer periode die dringend een woning zoeken.
All arrested people are out of jail! Everybody except for 1 person left without a charge, yet.
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